Beer Booze

Beer Rec: Ballast Point Grapefruit Sculpin

ballast point grapefruit sculpin

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Pantones of the Post

The Facts
Style: India Pale Ale
ABV: 7.0%
Brewer: Ballast Point
Location: San Diego, CA

Alas, summer comes to an end today…. but not necessarily for us Californians! Our Indian Summer is just getting started, evident by me melting away at the park on Sunday and desperately seeking a dip in a pool.🏊🍺🌞

Maybe you’re already embracing the fall train or maybe your hanging onto summer for dear life. But whichever you are, boy do I got the beer for you!! Warm you up on the cold day or cool you down on a warm day, this grapefruit flavored IPA is the season transition beer for your every need.👌 The fruitiness in this IPA makes it the perfect in-between season beer balancing bitter winter flavors and citrus summer flavors.

TASTE TEST: Smells fruity, I can def smell the natural grapefruit flavor. Pours a light golden, slightly lighter and brighter looking than most IPAs. Taste the grapefruit right off the bat. I feel like if your expecting a hoppy IPA then this tastes much more delightfully fruity but if your expecting a fruity beer its going to taste quite bitter, maybe even without citrus at all. Nutty. Lemonade. Ooo cotton candy on the tongue for a split second. Yeah actually now that I say that I can smell the cotton candy too! Weird haha. Anyway, def still pretty hoppy.

Well cheers to you cold beer by a pool, you won’t be lasting much longer but I’ll support you while you do! Not jumping ship for fall just yet—well at least not today. 😁 This poolside can of grapefruit goodness will serve as my commemoration, honoring the end of bikinis, sand, and palm trees. Oh wait, were in California so that never HAS to end. 😉👙🌴 

The Grapefruit Sculpin 🐡 gained lotsss of traction over summer so I think it deserves to be recognized. All IPA lovers will enjoy it but not necessarily the lighter beer lovers can say the same despite the fruit flavor. Either way it should be had for sun-soaked pleasure. 🍻

CRUCIAL BIT OF ADDITIONAL INFO: I must state for the record, that I don’t drink canned beers because they are usually filled with beer flavored fizzy water lol…aka the pits…however I think I’m going to have to change my perspective because canned beers are making a comeback! Believe me!…(But I’ll continue this topic at a later date) 

Stuff // Beer: Ballast Point Grapefruit Sculpin can found at: Bevmo, Whole Foods  / Swimsuit: Triangl / Sunglasses: Marc by Marc Jacobs (old) similar //

Colors (left to right) // Pantone 138U / Pantone 7402U / Pantone 7546C / Pantone 318U / Pantone 1795U //

Beer Booze Discover

Oktoberfest in the City

german beer


Pantones of the Postpantone colors

One of my best friends from UCLA is visiting me in SF this weekend (😄😄) and since she’s coming, of course we obvi need a fun packed agenda. So I sit down a couple days ago to do a quick scan on the haps around the city and I discovered more than just Lindstrøm live (which I’m totally excited about btw). I found a slew of upcoming Oktoberfest events, and ding ding ding! 💡💡💡 

Having been to the real Oktoberfest back in 2010 (shhh I stole that👆 mug👆 from the REAL Hofbrau tent by some stroke of luck cause I’m a badass 😈👊) and being the beer lover I am, I believe it’s my civic duty to post about all the local Oktoberfest events. So here goes…

  1. Starting today! Schroeder’s is shutting down Front St. for their big, fat, german block-party! Get ready for live music from Polkalicious (hahah), Hofbrau beer and Jager flowin’, pretzels, sausages… wait let me clarify: wiener schnitzel, bratwurst, and spätzle (droooool😛) “and of course the chicken dance” (to which my mind responded “wtf is that!?”). Side note: the live music/celebration continues on Thurs/Fri for the next 4 weeks inside the hall! // Sept 18th 3-8pm. FREE. Suggested you order food/beer tickets ahead of time to avoid lines.
  2. Soma Streetfood Park transforms into a mini Oktoberfest tomorrow (complete with replica entrance sign!😄👆). This is actually the event I will be attending…they had me at “sausage tossing games,” what can I say..LOL 😜. Plus the usual food trucks will switch to 10+ German food trucks and costumes encouraged! Sign me up! // Sept. 19th 11:30AM-4:30PM. FREE Entrance. Pre-sale all you can drink tickets here.
  3. Come hungry and come thirsty for the bay area’s largest Oktoberfest celebration. Oktoberfest By the Bay at Pier 48 is sure to be a grand ol’ time with Bravarian bands and folk  dancers, overflowing bier steins and LOTS of “prosting.” Keep in mind this will be one hell of a crowded shit show, but then again so is the real deal … so go with your game face on, for real 😁 // September 25-27. Tickets $25 (ticket deals here) Food is between $3-$12 and beers are $6 each.
  4. Sharktoberfest Nightlife at the California Academy of Sciences! // October 1st 6-10pm. Tickets here.
  5. Oaktoberfest Oakland is actually more of craft beer festival than a german beer festival. They’ll have TONS of brewers, 46 to be exact, plus the usual german bier. And in typical diverse Oakland fashion there will be a homebrew class,  live music from Bavarian to funk and house AND a freakin’ dance battle! WHAT! I wanna go!👌🎶🍻 // October 3rd, 11AM – 6PM. Free entrance, beer for purchase. Avoid lines by purchasing drink tickets or unlimited beer tasting package ahead of time, here.
  6. On a smaller scale, 21st Amendment Breweries will have German-inspired food and drink specials all week – including a special Oktoberfest lager! The brand-new location in San Leandro will have live music on Friday the 16th and the SF brewpub location on the 17th, good times slash one of my favorite local breweries 👍 // October 12-18th.
  7. Don’t worry non-city dwellers! We didn’t forget about you…completely. 😆 The Tam Valley Oktoberfest is Sept 26th and the Peninsula Oktoberfest is Oct. 3rd. Both include bratwurst and beer, games, music and also a more “kid-friendly” environment.

Just to get you even more excited I included a few photos I dug up from my own Oktoberfest experience! YES. the Real deal all the way in Munich. And can I just add that if you are lucky enough to have the opportunity to go, YOU GO. It was honest to god, to this day, one of the most fun things I have EVER EVER done in my life – and that’s saying something haha. But I think anyone’s that’s been can agree with me there. They are JUST about to kick-off the festivities so in your honor Germany I say….


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Stuff // Beer: Hofbräu Original and Weihenstephaner FestBier (found at: BevmoHealthy Spirits or Whole Foods) / Stein: Original from Hofbrau tent (similar) //

Colors (left to right) // Pantone 371C / Pantone 485C / Pantone 7689C / Pantone 7510C / Pantone 447C //

Day Style

Le Grid

fall fashion, dressy, culottes


 Pantones of the Postpantone colors

I guess it’s about time I share some more facts about my so-called “real life.” Yes, I schlep to work on Muni. Yes, I sit at a desk. Yes, I have a 9 to 5 everyday… all day. Might be a good place to for me to insert how effing exhaustedddd I am right now….and always.😴 Eyes bleeding. Moving on…

By day, I am a graphic and web designer at a small design agency here in SF. As they (who’s they anyway?) say – It’s fun, but it’s still work!… Although, at least the job allows for creative exploration rather than punching numbers into a spreadsheet! 😁😝

Being the designer that I am, I LOVE GRIDS (probably what attracted me to these particular culottes in the first place). Things should fit nicely into said grids, by column or row and …wait, pause, I may have a problem…

I just got up to microwave my morning coffee and while waiting, I properly aligned all the wine glasses on the shelf so they fall into perfect rows and columns; and don’t get me started on the jars on the kitchen counter. I may have developed early on-set OCD at this point (early and onset being the imperitive words here😜) I’m sure my gf would agree when she catches me vertically aligning the toothpaste to toothbrush on the counter. IT’S A PROBLEM OKAY!!!!

…Did that actually just happen?!!? Unfortunately yes, 10000%

⬛️ ⬜️ ◼️ ◻️ ◾️ ◽️ 🔲 🔳

So now the million dollar question: does this same OCD grid mechanism infiltrate its way into fashion? Well I’m sure Mr. Marc Jacobs isn’t just whirling his pencil around mindlessly. There is always rhythm and purpose to the structure of fabric. So does a similar grid exist in fashion? (Acutally though, someone please tell me because I’m not a fashion designer and dying to know).

Though I wonder if this type of systematic styling occurs in my every day getting dressed? I don’t think I’m as ‘methodic’ about choosing an outfit for the day as I am when approaching a new design but one can’t help but wonder…and then stand in front of the closet second guessing every choice made… Hmm was that based on some 5’11’’ body grid of proportions or were these two pieces randomly selected on color/mood alone?

I’ve been self-reflecting on this topic for awhile and haven’t quite reached a conclusion…TBD… But what I can determine thus far is same goes for graphic design and styling – not only do you have to adapt the methodology but you have to know when to break the grid rules.

Cheers. 🐼

Wearing //Shoes: All Saints (similar: here, here, here) / Culottes: Oak + Fort (similar: here, here) / Shirt: Forever 21 / Sweater Vest: Vince Camuto (similar: here, here, here) / Sunglasses: Dior / Bracelet: Local Santa Fe Artist //

Colors (left to right) // Pantone 7541C (50%) / Pantone 539C / Pantone 7545C / Pantone 424C / Pantone BlackC //

Beer Booze

Beer Rec: Mikkeller Spontanredgrape

mikkelar beer spontanredgrape

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Pantones of the Post

The Facts
Style: Lambic – Fruit
ABV: 7.7%
Brewer: Mikkeller
Location: Hijfte, Belgium

First off all, I cant believe a Mikkeller beer has taken this long to get on my blog considering they are one of my favorite brewers.

Second of all, no one does a sour like Mikkeller; but I say that lightly… because there are breweries (cough “Cascade I love you!!” 💗cough) out there known for their sours. So I’ve had other greaaat sours before but I can ALWAYS count on Mikkeller’s to hit the spot, regardless. And for that, you’re my God Mikel. 🙌

The reason? Well-balanced. They aren’t “hella sour, mouth-puckering” but rather “light, sour and grounded”. This particular one is a sour ale brewed with red grapes and aged in oak barrels. 🍇🍇

TASTE TEST: Pink and purple are the first colors I noticed but then once it settled it seems like a rich red brown. Lightly carbonated. Sweet-ish smell. Smell the oak, fruit, must, old grape, fig, prune, dried fruit….but ripe fruit on taste. Prob the red grapes that give it the redder color come to think of it LOL. Tasting orange, pear, grape. It’s *fruitalicious!*. I’m getting sour patch kid. But, I can taste the age in it, not a young sour. The age balances it out I think, aka the longer time spent in barrels….realizing now that I prefer older sours, not fresh young ones that make you fish face.😗 Nice fruit and must balance. Like fruit and wood. Makes me think of an orchard or vineyard…that fruit-wood combo.

Which brings me to my next point that you’ll wanna be sipping this sour on a deck for sure, maybe a porch? Yeah! Let’s go with porch, I like porches, not enough of those around. Something with wood and pretty flowers and your hand on this full glass.🌸🍺🌸

This is a sour that I could have like 3 glasses of before I got sick of it. And for those of you who like sours- you know that you def cannot say that about many. Usually they’re a one and done thing. But trust, you can handle more Spontan-                 (insert fruit flavor here, there make lots).

**NOTE: I mayyy have been hoarding this beer in my fridge, (ugh typical because I love Mikkeller so much I didn’t want to drink it!) So I believeeeeeeee this particular flavor is actually out of stock – or at least very hard to find – now  😁😁😁 BUT Mikkeller’s “Spontan” series produces several new flavors a season and THESE are his new ones!! They all share similar qualities as described above (slash made by Mikel) so you can’t go wrong selecting any of those colorful labels! Personally, I can’t WAIT to get my hands on that passion fruit one! 🙏

They’re always there and always good! 😋

Stuff // Beer: Mikkeller Spontanredgrape (newer flavors at: Healthy Spirits or Mikkellar Bar) //

Colors (left to right) // Pantone 214U/ Pantone 678U / Pantone 351C / Pantone 611C (50%) / Pantone 1807C //

Day Style

The Modern 70s

womens fashion seventies

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Pantones of the Postpantone colors

So despite being caught between decades last week, I apparently sided with one side….maybe…😁 Bottom line: I seriously love to dress the part. Which is something you may or may not know about me at this point. So if I’ve said it before (my bad) I’ll probably say it again… and again..I LOVE to dress the part. Maybe that’s why I have such an eclectic style? 

See if you fly me to St. Tropez you know ill be in a big ass hat and skimpy dress. Going camping? Tevas, athletic shorts and thrifted oversized tank, duh. Black tie affair?! Give me the longest glamorous ball gown possible…💁 Castro Bars? Cut-off tee, sports bra, beanie ehehe.  OHH and if its a costume party, forgetttttt about it, you best believe I’m going full-f*cking-out.  WOW… I digress….

My point is, that when the 70s became the trend of 2015 I 1) about shouted from the rooftops “FINALLY my favorite decade is at the forefront of fashion!!!!” 2) could literally get soooooo into it that I either look like I jumped out of an old Woodstock photo orrrrr a weird girl still wearing her hippie costume even though its after halloween….

So lets call this the “modern day” 70s look shall we? Because there are the elements that allude to the past buttttt, I haven’t quite gone off the deep end……yet….😏

The simplest “How To’s” for rocking the 70s in Fall 2015:

  1. Something suede
  2. Earth tones
  3. Flared pants 
  4. Oversized sunglasses
  5. Floppy, wide brim hat
  6. Platforms! Boots, sandals, clogs… sneakers JK, please NO
  7. Patchwork. Period. 

Lastly, add on any chunky accessories you please and bam! Now the question is are you fall ready? Or Woodstock ready? Probably somewhere in between. 😜

*PS: I’m sure you can expect more 70s inspired looks on the blog long past this years trend. 😉✌

Wearing //  Shoes: Camper (similar: here, here, here, here) / Pants: Rag & Bone (similar: here, here, here)/ Shirt: Anne Klein (A Line – old) similar: here  / Button Up: New Frontier, vintage from Helpers House of Couture / Hat: Rag & Bone / Necklace: Street Market (thrifted) / Sunglasses: ZeroUV //

Colors (left to right) // Pantone 654C / Pantone 5435C / Pantone 574C / Pantone 7500C / Pantone 724C //

Day Style

Caught Between Decades?

90s summer style

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 Pantones of the Postpantone colors

Part two of our Half-Moon Bay excursion this weekend…and looking back at the pics I’m chuckling because I think I might have gotten stuck between the 70s and the 90s when getting dressed! But who cares?! No one said that’s a bad place to be… and I’m loving it ✌💛


Half-up, half-down hair (total middle school status)  90s
Brown leather fringe jacket  70s
Crop top  90s
But the crop top pattern suggests an ethnic vibe ➩ 70s
Lose fitting, straight leg, “mom” jeans  90s
Adidas  90s
Woven belt ➩ 70s
Large, round golden sunglasses ➩ 70s

VERDICT: 4 points for 90s and 4 for 70s therefore, its a tie!! And I’m definitelyyy stuck in decade limbo.

Although, being born in the 90s with the spirit of the 70s, I WOULD be caught between these two decades lol so I’m pretty sure this is right where I’m supposed to be. 🙌 And with the crazed fashion world we live in today who cares what “decade” is trending, it’s all trending (if it looks bad-ass 😜). So get stuck in limbo! Mix and match to your heart’s desire.

What do you think? To agree or disagree? Comment below with your favorite decade!! 😃✌😃


Wearing //  Shoes: Adidas / Pants: Thrifted from Zig Zag Wanderer / Shirt: Urban Outfitters / Jacket: Illia (similar: here, here, here, here) / Backpack: eBags Online / Belt: J.Crew (similar) / Sunglasses: Amazon (similar: here, here) / Lipstick: Laura Mercier //

Colors (left to right) // Pantone 5425C / Pantone 5395C / Pantone 4545C (30%) / Pantone 7413C / Pantone 174C //

Discover Travel

Sam’s Chowder House

lobster roll and shrimp

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 Pantones of the Post

Sporadic excursions are the best right??? Well that’s how this all began… One lonely, dreary Sunday afternoon… hahaha jk it was a BAYYYUUTIFUL Sunday afternoon last weekend!! So I decided to take advantage and drive on down to Half Moon Bay with the gf. 😉🚗👭

But it was one of those…hmmm…should we go though?! Should we reallyyyyy leave SF right now?! Could we possibly?! It’s already SUCH a trek to travel cross-town from the Mission to the Marina you know? 😫😜 Anddd it’s already 4:30pm! Yikes is it worth it? OMG we shouldn’t. But then we persevered…. and THANK GOD. 👏👏👏 Because once we got there we realized how lame we were for second guessing and how close in fact it actually is to SF – so close.

Sam’s Chowder House is no doubt one of the main attractions in this town – evident by the swarm outside. If you don’t have a reservation definitely put your name in and expect to take a nice walk on the beach or mosey down the road to the Half Moon Bay Brewing Company for a local beer while you wait.

But once you get that glorious outdoor table it will be SO worth it! (Especially when you slip the hostess a wink and let her know its your 5 year anniversary, they give you the best seat in the house gazing out into the bay! Katie and I have been using this anniversary a little too much…  maybe? Nahhhhh 5 years deserves it… and the free dessert we got too! 😁😜🍧)

OBVIously we had to try the chowder, I mean we’re at Sams Chowdy House for godssake! It was good, but not mind-blowing. Definitely the “thing” to get here is the Lobster Roll 🙌🍴. I’d say supplement the roll with whatever else jumps out at you (the seasonal watermelon summer salad was a great pick👆) but get the roll 🙏 …if not for the fresh lobster, then for the hot buttery soaked bread.

Damn I’m so hungry writing this I can feel my mouth drooling for that melted butter….👅

And if you have any extra energy, drag the crew to the brewing company, it’s worth doing while your there. All beers are brewed on site and they even have live bands Fri-Sun (superb people watching lol). I highly recommend the “Not for Sale Saison” brewed with honey, ginger and hibiscus or their “Calf-eine” which is a coffee milk stout brewed with cold-brew coffee. 👌🍺

Take advantage of the nice weather when we have it and do something new, go somewhere new, no matter what time of day or how “lazy” you “think” you are! It’s always worth it 😉


Colors (left to right) // Pantone 5445C / Pantone 7700C / Pantone 121C / Pantone 1585C / Pantone 7621C //