AHH…Just in time for the Winter Olympics, I present the romantic story of myself, Katie Shea, getting burned so badly by Kendall Chase on the slopes. I went for the gold and all I got was cold feet! (Get it? 🙈)
*Cracks knuckles* Here we go…
If you read my last Valentines Day post you know how we met, but I’m going to hop on this blog again and rewind you to about 6 months into our relationship. All you need to know about that 6 month period of time is this…
Kendall and I met. I, no joke, fell in love at first sight. She looked at me and thought….”we’ll see.” LOL! Basically, I JUMPED in the pool and she just dipped her big toe in.🙄 Needless to say we were on different pages, at first. I no longer wanted to be a little Castro whore… *Cough Cough* excuse me, that wasn’t cool… let’s say a “Castro lady of the night.” Those days were behind and monogamy was on my mind! ❤️👭
I NEEDED THIS ONE IN THE BAG, PEOPLE. I was ready to do anything. I was completely in love.
2 months in, Kendall left. She took off for a semester abroad in Italy. I will never forgot that morning. Both of us in tears, saying goodbye to one another. I watched her drive off. As I stood on the corner crying after her car went out of sight.
The next 4 months would change Kendall’s life. She got to meet some of her best friends, and travel the world with them. ugh. #mustbenice
I, on the other hand, was love sick. I spent the next 4 months, writing Kendall love letters, emails, drawing her pictures, having to pay my mom back for international drunk phone calls…. I even signed up for Italian lessons at City College so I could impress her. hahahahah IM SUCH A SUCKER IT‘S UNREAL. But again, she broke me.
Long story short, She came home. We hung out. A couple weeks after she got back we decided to go to Tahoe with my twin and his boyfriend (yup, we’re the gayest)!
I was really excited to go snowboarding with Kendall. I used to go up once a year and considered myself a pretty good damn good snowboarder. I was excited to impress her, maybe even teach her a few things. 😝 I mean look at her, was I wrong to assume that she was just a dainty little snow bunny who had zero skills?!? 🤷😂
YES, I was very wrong, Kendall, fun fact, is the lesbian SAUWN WHITE lol okay maybe not that good, but she basically shreds the pow. She’s a complete bad ass on the slopes, but an extremely cocky Katie thought that this would be the perfect time to ask Kendall to be my girlfriend.
(Yes, I get it! SHE JUST GOT BACK, GIVE HER SOME TIME!) And you’re right, I didn’t get it then. All I knew, was that what I was about to do would make one hell of a “how we became girlfriends” story.
After a fun day of Kendall waiting for me to leaf down every run, we decided we would do one more then go in.
As we sat at the top of the Squaw Creek run staring out at the lake in the foreground. I looked at kendall and said…”I think we should play a game…” (I didn’t say it creepy like the Saw movies, I said it charming obviously).
“Okay, I think we should race down this last run, If I beat you, you have to be my girlfriend. If you beat me, well shit.”
I said this now knowing that she a MILLION times better than me and it’s totally in her hands if she wants to let me win or not. So I’m basically brilliant and very romantic. lol
We both stood up, smiled at each other and then she SMASHED down the hill. hahaha. I have never seen someone go down a hill faster hahaha and in that moment I thought, “ahhhh shit.”
I worked my way down the mountain getting closer to the bottom, I didn’t see Kendall anywhere. All of a sudden I see her. She’s sooooooo cute and about 20 yards from the finish line.
My heart was beating out of control! She is gunna let me pass her! OMG! She wants to be my girrrrrrrlfriend! Woo!
As I snowboarded like a snail to pass her and claim my victory, she hopped up and SMASHED pass me and across the finish line…ummmm…. at that moment, again I thought, “shit.”
So rude. Whatever. She ended up asking me out later, and it’s our 8th Valentines Day together. I’m over it (👆😳 clearly).
On another note… here are some mini sketches I did for her today. Happy Valentines Day, Kendall! I love you and that gorgeous smile ❤️