So, you ask…What did I do this weekend?!
Made an elaborate biking plan with my girlfriend for Saturday when I woke up and it was foggy, ugh…#SFproblems. But that did not stop us oh no, no, no, noooo!! After some weather debate, and some more laying in bed, we decided to flip the plan and seize the day! Off to Berkeley we go! 👭
And WHAT a day it turned out to be…literally though, didn’t walk back in the door until 1am!!! So really, really we seized the day! And it was possibly one of the most funny, random, care-free days I’ve had in awhile — much needed with my girl. Here are some lessons we can pass along now that we are safely back in the Castro…
SO! What do you do when….
You make a wrong turn and stumble upon a train track? Pull over immediately and take photos on it, duhhhh. you’re SUCH a rebel. 😎 📷
You’re partner in crime stupidly wears a sweater in summer and is burning alive? (kick her) then go to straight to the nearest Urban Outfitters to buy a new t-shirt; cause a hot gf is an unhappy day for everyone….
You want to sit on a patio and sip a refreshing summer cocktail? Go back to SF, Berkeley doesn’t have these. Ok ok, they may… somewhere… But who knew everything opens after 4pm?! I mean WHERE do you day drink?!?!😤 Rough times…
You want to tickle your craft beer craving? Helllooooooooo Rare Barrel! (personally been on my to-do list for 6 months, so I’m very happy to have finally made it. but yes – their sours are SOW-OW-ERRR)
You find yourself in a pseudo Downtown Disney like outdoor mall slash who knows what oh right that’s Emeryville? Go to PF Changs for din hehehe 😳😁😁
You ACTUALLY sit down at PF Changs? First, Die laughing. Second, get a Cosmo! #classy 🍸…maybe? barely?….lol…not even….
You walk up to the counter ready to buy 2 tickets for Trainwreck and they’re sold out? Melt to the floor and decide you really need to head back to familiar territory – things are getting SKETCH.
Yup definitely defeated, walking back to the car… 😔
SPOTTED: A VENDING MACHINE WITH DIP N DOTS??!?!?!?!?!?!??!👅👅👅 YAASSSS! See! I knew we were in Downtown Disney Emeryville! One banana split packet please! Things are lookin up!
I know what you’re thinking… no WAY did they hit up PF Changs…those 2 queens?! WELL YES WE DID 💁💁. Get this, it was a childhood repeat for family dinners “out on the town” — quite the treat for us youngins….Oh suburbia. So, WE COULDN’T RESIST!!! 😆 But ohhh lord, it’s basically a sit down Panda Express with cocktails and waitresses that are either in high school or your moms age with at least 2 facial piercings… Dark times.😬
After ALL this and the eye-bleeding drive back across the bridge, it was WAY past my bedtime. 😴 I could not hang past the first 20 minutes of the movie.… must’ve been the sugar rush from pounding a 4 person bag of peanut M&Ms (🔫) that even got me up for the last 14 minutes. Guess I’ll watch the middle on DVD, sorry Schumer.
Cherry on top of this day of insanity: we got rear ended heading home after the movie. Whyyyyyyyy. 🔚😖 (PS – Katie yelled at the wrong car 😂😂)
Carpe diem!! 💃
Wearing // Shoes: Kenzo (also: here) / Pants: Diesel / Tank: Forever21 / Shirt: Thrifted / Sunglasses: Ali Express / Hat: Quintin Co via Karmaloop (similar: here) / Watch: Michael Kors //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 2603C / Pantone 303C / Pantone 3395C / Pantone 116C / Pantone Blue 0821C //