This is how this went:
Damnnnnnn what about THOSE glasses?! Spying them farthest back, slightly buried, on my double decker sunglasses rack….
Oooooo (…pause…) nahhhh, too much.
Hmm, wait.
No, should I????
(Reaches for glasses…) Why not, let’s see.
Hmm – wow.
Could this actually work? It coulldddd.
…yeah, honestly fucking why not just go for it?!?
SURE let’s see how this goes.
(((((…moments before the shoot…second thoughts occurred – totally typical – but then mom agreed 👍 go for it. Game, set, match shoot. ))))))
So what was I thinking when I picked out this outfit? (Besides my internal glasses debate of course👆😁)…. I was thinking that I want to be fierce today. I want to be hard today. I want to be badass today. I want to have an edge today. I want to be a rebel today. I want to have attitude today. Come onnnnn I know you can relate to at leasttttt 1…2..3 of those.
Don’t sometimes you just want to feel like a rockstar?! I mean, I’m pretty sure everyone feels like that. Well I wanted to feel like a rockstar and I was totally playing that👇 in my head and channeling Robyn’s glorious dance moves in this moment.
This moment really captures my new found self promise to take more risks; in all aspects of life but definitely in getting dressed. I think what it really boils down to is trusting your gut. People always spit out these rhymes and rules for fashion but I say if the shoe fits then wear it!! Meaning, if you like something then rock it. Helllooo, we live in SF for a reason no? Be that individual! I know these glasses are totally weird but I put them on and it felt right, and the little risk taker on my left shoulder was like dooooooooo iiiitttttttt.
I say if you like something and it makes you feel good, well then you better rock the shit out of it with pride! But if your not feelin’ it, if your unsure about it then it miiiiiight not be totally the right call haha. Trust your gut and don’t get boring. (Some deep life lessons going on here people😉)
I’M ON THE RISK ROCKET – You coming on it???? 😜🚀
Wearing // Shoes: Miista / Shorts: Thrifted from Painted Bird (similar: here, here, here, here) / Shirt: Thrifted from Painted Bird / Sunglasses: Ute Ploier (old) similar: here, here, here, here, here) //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 485C / Pantone 654C / Pantone 7511C / Pantone Warm Gray 5C / Pantone 7527C //