So here we are at the beginning of June. JUNE. Where did the time go?! Anyone else feeling like that cause I am trippinnnn. June means so many things but mainly the start of summer vacation cause schools out!!!! hayyyyyyy! 😃😃
….Wait what? We don’t get summer vacay anymore?! FML. Honestly I would’ve repeatedly flunked the 3rd grade if I knew that was coming…oh well, here we are without a break BUT June is still the start of summer time vibes and that is always a superb feeling. 🌅
So what is else cool about June? What events am I looking forward to?
- Negroni Week – happening this week! Every Negroni ordered donates to a particular charity and we all know you people are summer boozin’ so drink for a cause! I sure did!
- SF Design Week (June 4-12th) Even if your not a designer like myself there are tons of amazing events from studio tours to happy hours to sweet discussions around Helvetica – woo! no? no one else curious? crickets? lol 😒
- National Donut Day THIS Friday – please, say no more 🍩 😋 🍩
- Birthdays! and lots of them including my crazy girlfriend’s bday! Wig party round two?!
- Speaking of birthdays… Getting outside of the city to celebrate one by slurping oysters in Tomales Bay (hint hint upcoming post)
- My first trip of the summer! eeeee! 😎 ✈️ (hint hint hint tons of upcoming posts haha)
- Feeling nostalgic? Sound of Music Sing-A-Long comes to the Castro Theater!! (June 13th-14th: tickets) 🎵
- Net-A-Porter, Bloomingdales and Nordstrom are having big sales right now!👜 Shopping = temporary vacation
- New Color of Life Exhibit at California Academy of Sciences (anything surrounding color has my attention but if that’s not enough for you go on a cute date night! 💁)
- Backyard BBQs!!! My favorite thing in the world 🌽 🍔 🍹
- Get a hot, black one-piece swimsuit
- Plant a succulent – I’ve always wanted to, so why not now?! 😀
- 1 word. 5 letters. P-R-I-D-E 🌈 🌈 🌈 Can’t dive down that hole now so more on these events to come
Alright and hella fast on the look (might as well keep the list thing going ya?):
- Totally unique Converse from Japan, imported by this amazing store on Abbott Kinney (of course) in LA – we’ll get more into that another time so look out!
- Can’t ever go wrong with Levi’s!
- Shorter, cropped and boxy sweatshirt allows for really fun layering out the bottom! Get a cool pattern in there for summer! I adore these little dinosaurs and animals
- Messy bun made with 1 hair tie and 4 day old hair 😜- seriously best trick for styling, greasier the better. plus you want it to be messy…casual. So just twist up a pony tail, flatten it with your other hand and tie it up! BAM…bun.
- Gold sunglasses (or really anything GOLD) adds the finishing touch 😉
Wearing // Shoes: Converse / Pants: Levis 501 CT (old) / Shirt: Thrifted / Sweatshirt: Urban Renewal by Urban Outfitters / Sunglasses: Urban Outfitters (similar: here, here)//
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 439 C / Pantone 7563 C / Pantone 5793 C / Pantone 404 C / Pantone 538 C //
Packing for France
June 11, 2015 at 8:54 pm[…] you can tell I ended up getting that black one piece swimsuit that was a June must, cant wait to bust that one out on the beach in St. Tropez. I had to beef up my carry on game since […]