Here we are…
…it’s mid summer.
….it’s the evening…..(I mean in the picture, you nut!)
hmmm….eve is more fun, let’s go with eve….
I’m actually surprised it hasn’t caught on given we’re living the golden age of abbrevs. Get it? Abbreviations? lol. Like I can think of at LEAST 3 great uses:
- I want to bougggggg out this eve, where should we go? 💁💅
- What are your plans today? Wellll currently I’m slaving away but this eve I’m headin to movie night at Dolores! 😄
- I could really go for a thin pizza and cold beer this eve. 🍕🍻
So there. It’s now offish a new abbrev…. like toats.
Continuing discussion, this vintage I.Magnin dress I LOVE for the city’s summer because it transitions seamlessly from day to evening. Forget well-balanced meals, this is a well-balanced dress….And I rather have dresses than meals 😝 – GASP!!! I just heard it out loud, there’s no way….I take it back! 😁
FUN FACT: Making it even more SF applicable…I.Magnin & Co was actually a high fashion, luxury department stored based in San Francisco back in the early 1900’s! Nutty right? The brand was sold a couple times, bought by Macy’s in the 90s and eventually shut down.😕 But the flagship building is still standing in Oakland and one of the city’s most prominent landmarks with its art-deco style and turquoise facade. Idk, I found that pretty cool….
You can’t argue, this 60s shift dress is a BEAUT. Short but still conservative. 👌 Versatile enough to wear to work, lunches, weddings, outings around the city, wine tasting, cocktail hour, fancy dinner… blah blah, I could go on and ON! Add the arm coverage, and thick material for a late eve breeze?! Done, sold! SF summer durable. ☀️
Sorry other dresses, I found my soulmate.
In a couple hours I’ll be off to enjoy this warm mid-summer’s eve with a glass of rosé – there! Example #4 😉🍷
Wearing // Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell (similar: here, here, here, here) / Dress: Vintage I.Magnin & Co via Eden & Eden (similar: here, here, here, here) / Gold Cuff: France Street Market (similar: here) / Sunglasses: Dior //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 485C / Pantone 654C / Pantone 7511C / Pantone Warm Gray 5C / Pantone 7527C //
Laurie Chase
July 30, 2015 at 11:50 pmAwesome dress! I actually remember my grandmother taking me to I. Magnin at Stanford Shopping Center. The store was the height of fashion and so elegant.
July 31, 2015 at 5:10 pmDo you? That’s awesome! I thought it might resonate with some of my “older” readers 😉 Since it was such a well known store! I’m glad you remember it. I felt cooler knowing my dress was from there in the 60s.