You don’t have to tell me twice to get in the car for a lunch that includes wine! who’s with me? Anyone have anything to celebrate?!?! Because IM THERE.
I LOVE lunching. Not luncheons, thats what your mom goes to with her favorite gal pals to gossip which probably ends with you in trouble. Not lunch, thats what you shovel in your face while sitting at your desk at work. Now lunching, that includes wine, good company and laughter. 👌
Something about lunching (and drinking wine) makes me very relaxed and present in the moment…. Like nothing else about the past or future matters. In that moment, my only concern is the happiness of those around me, yummy food and not letting the wine bottle go upside down in the bucket. 😩
Musts for lunching at Spruce:
- 👚 Your favorite pastel colored outfit. You’ll fit right in
- 💫 Request a round table. Because duh, they are so much better
- 👅 Order every warm pastry on the menu. Seriously ev-er-y-one. Were talking hot beignets, melting butter on coffee cake omg I’m drooling on my keyboard and thats not even all!
- 🍷 Definitely a second bottle of overpriced wine
- 🙏 Walk around neighboring Pac Heights afterwards fawning over mansions. Pick the one you’re going to live in when you’re older, cause its totally gunna happen
Oh and for what I’m wearing? You get the idea. But I do have to say I adore this 1950s vintage coat I picked up in the Haight; it’s spot on for a spring tone not to mention practical for this city’s “spring” — 💨 😁 hence all my layers incase that dreadful wind picks up. And for the love of god, add a pair of fun shoes so you don’t blend in too much with the stiff housewives having a luncheon. 💁😜😜
So if you’ve been going a mile a minute recently, treat yo’self!! Get some friends or family together, have a nice weekend lunch (preferably outside) but definitely with wine. 😀
Wearing // Shoes: G.H Bass & Co, purchased at Modcloth (similar: here)/ Pants: 7 for All Mankind / Shirt: Zara (mens) / Button Up: Madewell (similar: here, here, here) / Sunglasses: Thrifted (similar: here) //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone Black 7544 C / Pantone 5445 C / Pantone 691 C / Pantone 7528 C / Pantone Cool Gray 1 C //