Gunna have to interrupt this France flow for a brief yet crucial announcement that is: SF PRIDE THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!! 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 (which also means I get to excessively use my favorite emojiii!) 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈
Who’s ready? are you READY? like really really ready?!?!?!?!? Search deep down…you can’t actually be fully ready yet…never fear! Kendall’s here! 😛
I’ll be posting my favorite Pride day/night looks next week but I wanted to do a pre-pride post so that you guys know all the coolest Pride events plus the essentials to make them a success! Here’s whats on my list!
- CA of Sciences PRIDE Nightlife – better than the average nightlife because of the different DJs on different levels plus a huge dance floor, seasonal craft cocktails and BEST of all, a full-outttt drag performance with costume contest and backup dancers! 🙊
- Just because the Lexington closed doesn’t mean we can’t still have the usual Lex Kick-off Pride Party!!! This year at Virgil’s (a sick mission bar with back patio) should be a fantastic, casual way to start the weekend 🍻
- (and my favorite event of all) HORSE MEAT DISCO. These fierce queens are coming to Mighty to throw down the party of the year. Imagine Donna Summer or Missy Elliott remixed to house music and you’ve got these DJs. My top 3 in the world for sure and when they come to SF…. I burst 😵 🎶
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- You can head to the Civic Center for gay mayhem, company tents and variety of dance stages if you want butttt…..
- Dolores Park is where it’s AT! People swarm this park starting around 11am, so get there early to claim a good spot – plus the new half is open now! 😀 There’s usually fun prize tents, DJs, jello shots and a wholeeeeee lot of
drunkhappy people 😎 😄 😄 - Mosey up from the park to the Castro by 5 for the PINKKKK PARTYYYYY. 🎉 This is the ‘block party’ of the year with the entire Castro shut down to cars and various outdoor DJ stages dispersed. Go in and out of bars as you please (mind you, they are usually packed) but getting a bottle and partying in the street is A-OK by me. 👌
- Juanita Mores Pride Party – been going to this for years and it never fails to disappoint, but how could you at a double decker outdoor bar? Decorations are full out, dancers are full out and people are FULL out. But thats what you would expect from Juanita right?! (For those that don’t know, Juanita More is the queen of queeeeens 👑 👑 and she throws a party to match! Literally I’m such a huge fan I have a pair of her heels on my bookshelf 😬 LOL)
- Incase you want to be poolside… Chambers at the Phoenix Hotel always throws an epic Pride party with chill, tropical summer vibes and BBQ!
- Hard French Pride (a classic goodie) or Honey Sound Systems is sure to flood with shirtless men and pop off at Mighty Sunday night.
- And don’t forget, the Pride Parade is Sunday morning starting at 10am so if you can muster up the energy go support those participating! (at Civic Center)
- Need an eye opener after a DAY at Dolores? A face “pick me up” before heading up the hill to the Pink Party? Wake up! Splash. Refresh…This will save you.
- Polaroid camera for instant snapshots of your shenanigans, because duh
- A proper party aka big disco ball to dance under and an over-the-top outfit to go with it! You can never be toooo dressed given the drag queens walking around so better be on point for the partayy
- Booze booze and more booze
- Positive attitude!! There is NOTHING to be sad at for pride. Lose your friends? Make new ones! Get in a drunk fight with the lover? Don’t! Put it behind you ASAP! Run out of liquor? We’re in SF they sell it at every corner! So HAVE A FUN WEEKEND!
- Sunglasses – a must whether it’s to hide your loopy eyes or block from sun, the cheaper the better cause they always get lost!!
- “To-go” booze pouch
- Nifty (and preferably flashy) fanny pack for hands free fun allllll weekend long!
For the love of god if you have a rainbow flag hang it out of your window! or up anywhere for that matter! I don’t care! Tie it around your neck like a cape and be a gay super hero, whatever! Just bust it out! 😍
…and remember kids its a marathon not a sprint 😝 HAPPY PRIDE EVERYONE!!!! 👬 👭 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 🌈 👬 👭
Stuff // Mini Evian: Sephora (others: here) / Polaroid Camera: Urban Outfitters (others: here, here) / Film: Amazon (others: here, here)/ Sunglasses: Vintage Store (others: here, here) / Shot glass: Amazon / Liquid Pouch: Tote+able / Rainbow Flag: Cliffs Variety / Gold Fanny Pack: eBay (others: here, here, here) //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 7442 C / Pantone 2985 C / Pantone 7725 C / Pantone 115 C / Pantone Red 032 C //