Now that the rain has passed and spring is just around the corner it’s time for you to get outside and move those legs… with beer, obviously! 😝🍺 Recently I went on a “beer tour” around the Haight with SF on Tap Tours. In the spirit of being completely transparent, a promise you can always hold me to (literally my dad raised me so terrified to lie, I will never lie to a SOUL)… here is what I have to say about the tour:
You could do it on your own (😬😬) yes I said it. There is one caveat though – if you are an ULTRA beer nerd like me than you will def be missing some amazing beer knowledge the guide has to offer; but I’m telling you now, his knowledge is deeeeeep and if you don’t care, you wont be tuning in…case in point. On the flip side, that is the added value of doing the actual “tour.” ( Spoiler alert! The coolest tour bit was prob, seeing and tasting real hops, rye, barely, malt etc before they are used in beer production – pictured below 👇👅👇)
So if your fav thing about beer is consuming large quantities to get drunk, I would say you are better off grabbin’ your best group of guys and gals and just using the tour route as a persy map. We hit up BarrelHead, Magnolia and Black Sands breweries (toss in Toronado too if you do this route). All places brew their beer variety in house, but all have something different and special to offer – I would HIGHLY recommend all of them. 🌟🍺🌟
Fact is: you’re getting a flight at each brewery, the price with/without the tour guide is practically the same, but the experience is different (aka pay attention or fuck around lol) – so it all depends what you’re looking for! Shoooot, call ME up and I’ll be your guide! 👍👍👍😄

Colors (left to right) // Pantone Black 6C / Pantone 7551C / Pantone Blue Warm Gray 1U / Pantone 7593C / Pantone 1815C //