Damn I must be on a metallic kick this week huh? First rambling on about my love for gold, and then here I am…cheating on gold with silver! Gasp! Can it be?!
Ok, no. Gold is still the one. But THIS.SILVER.SHIRT.THOUGH. It will:
A) Never leave my closet. EVER. 😈
B) Always comes out when it’s gunna be a reallyyyyyy good night 🍸🎵🍸
C) Takes me to another world 💥🚀
The answer is D) All of them.
This time, that world was Rhonda. GODDDD I haven’t been to a solid party in awhile, or a “DELICIOUS PARTY” as they say. No offense SF but this party makes you look like amateur hour!! 😁 We do have our parties… but are they in an old iconic theater with 3 rooms, 2 levels, and an outdoor roof patio?! NOPE. And yes, you guessed it – 8 different DJs filled those 3 rooms throughout the night; they were ON POINT. Do I dare say on fleek?! Ew, no way, no how. 💯
Finally, finally the heat was brought.🔥🔛🔥 Studio 54-esque classic 70s disco, meets them contemporary house beatttssss (see👇)!! Dancers and Drag Queens on stage werkin’ and twerkin’ (I may or may not have been one of them after getting a burst of confidence and hopping 🔝 to join….followed by spanking said others stage dancer’s shaking butt. Oooopsies 😜) But when the music is good……it’s good………and I mean SO good I kinda loose my mind….🙅 DON’T MAKE ME LEAVE – were my thoughts at 3am. #ugh.
….At least there was mac and a pizza at home.👅🍕
**SPECIAL THANKS to my homegirl Kelsey, for sacrificing her precious pregame moments to take these shots for me…and then we found shopping cart 😂😂👌 Love ya girl.
Wearing // Shoes: Nike / Shorts: American Apparel (similar: here, here) / Shirt: Diesel Black & Gold (old) Similar: here, here, here, here / Lipstick: MAC //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 668C / Pantone 1788C / Pantone 7514C / Pantone Cool Gray 2C / Pantone Black 5C //