Day Style

How to: Wear Your “PJs” in Public


If there is one thing I’ve mastered it’s leaving the house in ultra comfy clothes, but still looking presentable cooool. Not gunna lie, I definitely had a sweats in public phase 👀 … I’d like to blame it on all my dance classes but in reality I’m pretty sure I was just lazy. Thankfully studying abroad in Florence beat that right outta me because now…looking back…. yikes…😬 If ALL you take from this post is one thing, let it be: no baggy sweats in public EVER. Deal?

One of the many ways I’ve solved this problem of constantly wanting comfortable, snuggly and warm clothes (especially when overworked and exhausted, which is pretty much everyday right?) is by wearing overalls.👍👍 Like a perfectly and publicly acceptable daytime “onesie” for your body! WINNING.💃 Not to mention, I totally wear an adult sized pink fuzzy onesie at home most nights – so, can you start to see the trend here? 😜 I’m allllllllllllllll about slipping into the comfiest gear possible. 😻

Best part is all you have to do is pair your overalls with some fresh white kicks, a soft tee, and oversized sweater (cough cough, virtually a robe 😜) and you’ve literally wrapped yourself in the comfiest attire ever – while still looking supaaa dupaaa freshhh. 😎👌

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Pantones of the Post

Wearing // Shoes: Adidas / Overalls: H&M / Shirt: Oak and Fort / Sweater: Urban Outfitters / Sunglasses: Le Specs / Beanie: Reason Clothing //

Colors (left to right) // Pantone 7644C / Pantone 7545C / Pantone 296C / Pantone Cool Gray 1C (50%) / Pantone 424C  //


Beer Booze

Cider Rec: Reverend Nat’s Hallelujah Hopricot



The Facts
Style: Hopped Cider
ABV: 6.7%
Brewer:  Reverend Nat’s
Location: Portland, OR

Lazy (Sippin) Sunday… Spotted sunshine, but mostly rainy and clouds – what a great recipe for curling up with a boozy cider and some photography inspiration reads. Sundays are MY day. Sundays are the day you take care of what you need to do, whether that be logistics and errands or staying horizontal for the better part of daylight (no shame there). The best Sundays are the ones like these, when the weather is meh and I have an excuse to stay home and get lost in all the cool magazines I’ve been hoarding…but never without a drink in hand!

TASTE TEST: Pours quite bubbly but on taste, not very carbonated. Hint of apricot flavor but still, the apple cider taste is dominant. Smell the hops more than you can taste them but there is a slight bitter bite on the finish. Semi-dry on the tongue, well balanced. Not too sweet at all, barely sweet. Subtle tangerine

Hallelujah Hopricot cider is the perfect lazy Sippin’ Sunday choice because its not sweet, easy to drink! Because after all, if you’re going to look at through a travel mag, you’re going to want to buy a plane ticket, and buying a plane ticket is SO much easier buzzed! Recipe for success.

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Pantones of the Post

Stuff // Cider: Hallelujah Hopricot  (Found in select specialty stores around the US, or buy online here) //

Colors (left to right) // Pantone 642C (50%) / Pantone 7545C / Pantone 424C / Pantone 419C / Pantone 7517C //


Unicorn Dreams


It all started with this backpack. Just me chillin, satisfying my online shopping addiction when BAM unicorn glitter flies through my screen. 😯 WHAT is that gloriousness, I thought….I could definitely rock that and prance through the Castro to the Mission as a sunshine filled fairy hipster – perfect. 😂👌🏼 Which inevitably sent me on a wild hunt for all things unicorn!! And with unicorns, comes glitter, and I’m def NOT upset about that. ✨😄✨🦄✨

Breathe glitter, throw glitter and shop all things Unicorn below:

  1. PJs are all the rage right now, but break apart from the satin pack with this super rad unicorn and rocketship twosie! (You’ll def ride a unicorn in your dreams😴🦄)
  2. “Small bags” were named a big spring trend, so crush the game with this unicorn shaped purse, all eyes on you girl!
  3. Just when you thought that feeling of dancing under a disco ball couldn’t get ANY better, someone whips out this unicorn flask 🙌🏼🙌🏼
  4. Anndd just when you sit down to chug wine in Dolores Park but your friend forgot the opener, then YOU bust out this unicorn corkscrew?! Round of applause. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
  5. Spring may be approaching but all I see on my weather app are rain icons,😬🌧 so scoop up this Unicorn umbrella to save your sparkle ass shoes! (Low in stock, hurry!!)
  6. Sometimes unicorns should just be admired, like your jewelry. Gaze upon yours with this ceramic ring holder.
  7. Favorite word #1: unicorn, favorite word #2: queen. Does it bet better than this plush pink “Unicorn Queen” sweatshirt!?! Real question though…🦄👑💕
  8. For the diehard unicorn fan, you betta rock this iPhone case errday! (also comes in 6Plus here)💖📱
  9. Like I said, the Unicorn backpack that started it all… can’t stop thinking how rad it’d be to carry this bad boy around. 😎🎒
  10. Who needs luck when you have a unicorn on your side?! Someone please send me this sweet card.😚
  11. Maybe you’re as obsessed with emojis as me or maybe you just wanna be koi about your unicorn obsession but either way, this Unicorn Emoji pin is a MUST. 🙏🏼🦄
  12. For the Unicorn minimalist…this subtle white unicorn pocket tee is justttt the hint of fun you’ve been looking for

And I’ll leave you with a personal fun fact: I never had a pet growing up, always wanted one and finally got one a couple years ago… His name is Rudy. 💖🦄 He loves adventure, long car rides, sunbathing and being sassy. (Seriously he’s always striking a pose) My pal, my love, and my pet unicorn that lives on my dashboard with a rainbow flower roof over his head. 🌈😘🦄✨💜 Follow his story today on Snapchat @chasingkendall!!

Day Style

Hometown Finds


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What do you do when you chance upon that one-of-a-kind piece – in your Mom’s closet? Well, in the case of this skirt by Joseph, I change it up every which way I can think of! Of ALL the looks I played around with that day, (it’s called playing dress up for a reason right!?😜) these are my two favorites….Sophisticated city girl in the countryside brings out her inner 70s soul, and Wild West meets fiesta inspired Ralph Lauren – wow thats a mouthful haha! 👣☀️💃

Everyday that I get dressed is an opportunity for me to tell a new story, to dress how I’m feeling that day or become a different character…it’s one of the most magical things about clothing and style. Be inspired to create you’re own story today! But for now, which one is your favorite?? 😄🌿🌻

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Pantones of the Post

Wearing Look 1 // Shoes: Free People (similar: herehere,) / Skirt: Joseph / Sweater: J Crew / Leather Jacket: Karen Groner of Grownbeans NYC (label extinct) / Belt: Free People / Sunglasses: Afterlife Boutique (similar) / Necklace: Flea Market / Bag: Lucky (similar: here, here) //

Wearing Look 2 // Shoes: Urban Outfitters (similar: here, here) / Skirt: Joseph / Sweater: J Crew / Button Up: Paige Denim / Hat: Nasty Gal (similar: here, here) / Bag: Etsy / Necklace: Tanner’s Indian Arts / Sunglasses: ZeroUV //

Colors (left to right) // Pantone 188C / Pantone 654C / Pantone 7494C / Pantone 7402C / Pantone 7568C  //

Photography // Will Nielsen



backpacks under $100

Idk why but recently I’ve just had a HUGE craving for a new backpack. Maybe it’s been the traveling or just accumulating more stuff (very plausible haha) but needless to say, I’m on the hunt! Finding a new bag for spring is my #1 mission, and my #2 mission is finding an affordable one. So I’ve hunted down the coolest backpacks for under $100!! 😃💸😃

From left to right, here we go!

  1. I’ve never seen such a unique Herschel Backpack design, for real, its not even on their site or any others for that matter so scoop it up now! ($45 and only 4 left!)
  2. Absolutely adore this Sole Society brown leather backpack, mostly cause the fringe tassel ($55) 👌
  3. No girl is complete without her washed denim backpack (American Apparel)! I have this one and abuse it during the sunshine months. ($58)☀️☀️
  4. Had my eye on these Fjällräven backpacks for awhile, honestly it’s a toss up between this amazing pink one and the killer mustard color – so trendy – adding to cart now! ($75)  🙌
  5. Pop of yellow? Yes please! Urban Outfitters, bringing color blocking to modern backpacks everywhere. ($54) 💃
  6. Part, tote, part backpack – what more could you want! Oh I know, one of the hit colors for fall thats what! Snag this UO Tote Pack before everyone else realizes! ($59)
  7. This Topshop backpack is the perfect size for your everyday style & needs. And for all you girls who love black, try opting for a muted color like this for S/S instead. ($50) 😉
  8. This Topman faux suede backpack is so clean, beautiful and practical. I literally want to lie on it like a pillow. ($50) 😌

So get on shopping because…backpacks! 🎒🎒🎒

Day Style

Save the Skinnies!


…and no I’m not talking about anorexic people, however they should be saved too haha.

If you ask some fashion head honcho they’d say “ohh yess, skinnies are nooo where to be found at NYFW, this spring or really in any coming season for that matter” (can’t you hear the stiff french accent – I know, I did a good job 😝). But I say when they’re black/white pinstriped you can STFU! 🙊 I mean…sometimes they’re just necessary.

It may be time to let your tightestttt, low-rise pants take a backseat to wider or baggier silhouettes… however given the bread on the edge of that sammie I’d say your skinny jeans could be just the right meat. 

But wtf bread buns am I talking about?! I’m talking about the 2 things bookending your britches! Shoes + top. 😜

Keep skinnies current in a sea of wide silhouettes, by styling them with some supa fly shoes, ones that simply canNOT be covered by your hem…and for a little something extra, cuff those hems! OR, surpriseeee! Skinny jeans are also great when you want to tuck INto your killer new boots without awkward bunching – see SO many reasons already. 👍😉👍

On top, lets bag the tight fitted shirt look, that was the early 2000’s people.😬 Go for an oversized sweater, or a long and drapey coat, a kimono if you dare! Something  that hangs just below the hips to give your top half some substance and flatter your body. Thanks to your long-standing bff on bottom, the skinnies, you won’t drown in fabric! 🎉🎉🎉

Anddd lets be real here, flared pants just aren’t for everyone. Skinny jeans are generally a flattering style on most girls, and simple/easy to wear.. I always encourage people to dress in what makes them feel the BEST – the most comfortable and confident – and for a lot of you that IS skinny jeans! (👌 And it’s A-OK haha)

And so I’ve proven, it’s not imperative you retire this closet staple, just yet…And please don’t, or you’ll be digging back through the goodwill bin like WHY GOD WHYYYYY. 🆘😭 CONCLUSION: save the skinnies!

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Wearing // Shoes: Urban Outfitters (similar: here, here) / Pants: Hudson Jeans (similar) / Sweater: Urban Outfitters (similar: here, here) / Hat: Free People (Similar: herehere, here, here)  //

Colors (left to right) // Pantone Neutral BlackC / Pantone 427U (75%) / Pantone 286U / Pantone 656U (75%) / Pantone 175C  //

Beer Booze

Beer Rec: Chimay Grande Reserve Ale

Chimay Grade Reserve | Chasing Kendall


The Facts
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
ABV: 9%
Brewer: Bières de Chimay 
Location: Belgium

Throwing it back to my craft beer roooooots with this one! Pretty sure Chimay was my segue from “I drink beer only when I play flip cup” to “craft beer connoisseur”… the ‘gateway’ beer if you will. 😎

If you haven’t noticed I’m mildly obsessed with craft beers….just mildly. And I want everyone to get the hell on board already! So I figure I should go back to where I started and try to get you babes on board that way. Not to mention, Chimay is widely available and one of the easiest beers to find/buy.👍 👍 OMG ps, did you know that they make cheese too?! I mean what more could you want from those cute lil’ monks?! 😄 Helllooooo beer + cheese pairing!

TASTE TEST: Pours a frothy dark brown, quite carbonated with a good head on its shoulders (the foam on top incase you were wondering 😉). Definitely a nutty taste, burnt, almost lightly smokey? Ooo like a banana nut muffin! Yes that captures it well. Not super heavy in the mouth, light bodied. Dark fruits notes too, like cherry.

An oldie but goodie…Chimay Grand Reserve Ale will never die. Like a king on its mountain top, Chimay is here to stay – and you should let it beer your gateway beer too. Now, it’s 5 o’clock, so grab one and enjoy this Sippin’ Sunday! 🕔 🍻😋


Pantones of the Post

Stuff // Beer: Chimay Grande  Réserve Ale  (Found at Healthy Spirits Castro and Richmond, Whole Foods, Bevmo, Safeway) / Glass: Crate & Barrel //

Colors (left to right) // Pantone 280C / Pantone 156C / Pantone 872C / Pantone 469C / Pantone Neutral BlackC //