DAMN its been a minuteeeee since I’ve been out!! Well, in SF. But in general, not doing good in the party dept. Come April though…yikes hell ya, already so many shows on the cal. Anyway, I’ve been turning into a serious night owl! But for all the wrong reasons.
The Facts
Style: Saison / Belgian Ale
ABV: 8%
Brewer: Prairie Artisan Ales
Location: Tulsa, OK
It’s def offish spring, yo! Sick of hearing that yet? Cause I am!🙋 So lets move on… to spring + BEER lol. So with the turn of the season, I bring you the greenest of them all: The Prairie Hop… complete with mice!! 🐭😄 (on the label not the bottle, chill 😝).
Not only is Prairie one of my all time FAV breweries but dry-hopped Belgian style ale’s are also one of my all time fav beer types 🙌 – so I’m in mad heaven sipping this right now. Onwards to…
THE #1. El numero uno. The thing that’s being talked about everywhere right now: bomber jackets for spring.
I chuckle as these things come about, causing every girl to dash for the bombers in a frenzy! BUT I’m not upset about it. Mainly because this bomber has been in my closet for the last 2 years. That’s the best thing about bombers though, they’re always cool. Continue Reading
So I know it’s supposed to be longer days and all but is anyone having a harder time getting up in the AM? I feel like were back to winter square one when its dark until 7…what is that!? Ok fine, a little dramatic given the fact that its ACTUALLY light out until 7pm now (👏👏👏) but still, I can’t say that I’m happy about the new morning darkness. I for one have A LOT to do before going to work and getting up is just SO harddddd. So hard. SO sO So SO sOOO SSooo sO hard. 😩💤💤
But regardless of daylight savings or whatever other excuse we as citizens of the world love to dream up, waking up in the morning is never a fun thing to do. In the most popular yet accurate way to put it: the struggle is real. But recently I’ve discovered a few key things that have made my morning routine easier and I want yours to be too!! So here’s how… 😃
Most of my cocktails have a common theme: high ROI (lol) meaning quick to make and high in alcohol level… And the Lillet Rose Spring Cocktail doesn’t fall short with it’s 15 minute prep time + 3 types of alcohol. And what a better way to kick off spring then with a DELISH pink drink such as this?! 😋
Literally when I took the first sip I was all SHOOT this is HELLA good. If I ordered this at a restaurant, I would NOT send it back…Yes, this is totally restaurant cocktail status. Like sitting outside at a cafe with marbled table tops, people watching on a warm summers springs day. I’m quite impressed, and transported tbh.
So I bring you, the “Lillet Rose I Love Pink Drinks Spring Cocktail”- like a spring “spritzer” but more boozy….obviously. 💐👍
Now that the rain has passed and spring is just around the corner it’s time for you to get outside and move those legs… with beer, obviously! 😝🍺 Recently I went on a “beer tour” around the Haight with SF on Tap Tours. In the spirit of being completely transparent, a promise you can always hold me to (literally my dad raised me so terrified to lie, I will never lie to a SOUL)… here is what I have to say about the tour:
You could do it on your own (😬😬) yes I said it. There is one caveat though – if you are an ULTRA beer nerd like me than you will def be missing some amazing beer knowledge the guide has to offer; but I’m telling you now, his knowledge is deeeeeep and if you don’t care, you wont be tuning in…case in point. On the flip side, that is the added value of doing the actual “tour.” ( Spoiler alert! The coolest tour bit was prob, seeing and tasting real hops, rye, barely, malt etc before they are used in beer production – pictured below 👇👅👇)
So if your fav thing about beer is consuming large quantities to get drunk, I would say you are better off grabbin’ your best group of guys and gals and just using the tour route as a persy map. We hit up BarrelHead, Magnolia and Black Sands breweries (toss in Toronado too if you do this route). All places brew their beer variety in house, but all have something different and special to offer – I would HIGHLY recommend all of them. 🌟🍺🌟
Fact is: you’re getting a flight at each brewery, the price with/without the tour guide is practically the same, but the experience is different (aka pay attention or fuck around lol) – so it all depends what you’re looking for! Shoooot, call ME up and I’ll be your guide! 👍👍👍😄

Colors (left to right) // Pantone Black 6C / Pantone 7551C / Pantone Blue Warm Gray 1U / Pantone 7593C / Pantone 1815C //
Spring may be fast approaching but I don’t see rain being gone for good, yet…and franklyyyy, isn’t the rain even harder to deal with when you know spring is sooooo close?! 😬🌸🌤 All I want is to feel the warm sun on my skin, so when rainclouds come in March/April I’m in dire need of some words of encouragement on how to “cope.” 🙏🏼
Aka – Don’t let the rain get you down!! And don’t think because it’s rainy and gross that you have to default to the darker half of your closet. 🌧🙄🌧 Bring some color and life to a rainy day!! After all, rain is a beautiful thing (when you’re not stuck in it lol) and California really needs it, so hop on board with a colorful raincoat and BRIGHT rain resistant shoe. 👌🏼💯
And if you really need that extra boost to get out the door in the morn….give yourself a big ol’ YES (👍🏼you can do it!👍🏼) and if you’re too tired to do it yourself have your YES shirt handy to do it for you! 😜
Positivity vibes all the way on this gray rainy day. 😄😄💕🌧🌈🌈✌🏼️

Wearing // Shoes: Converse / Socks: Urban Outfitters / Jeans: Levi’s / T-Shirt: Romwe / Collared Shirt: Rag and Bone / Raincoat: Diesel / Beanie: Open Ceremony / Glasses: Eyebuy Direct //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 649U / Pantone 282C / Pantone Blue 072C / Pantone 425C / Pantone 1235C //
Photography // Nick Wolf Photography