🌟 I have a message for all you tall gals out there: DON’T BE AFRAID OF YOUR HEIGHT! 🌟 aka… don’t be scared to wear some bad ass platforms or sexy velvet pumps, should your heart desire. 💃👠😎
Truth be told, it took me quite some time (tbh, like probably until age 18) to get over being “the tall girl.”😣 Always taller than the boys in middle school, taller than my parents, taller than my partners on my dance company (and on pointe?! no chance haha) and taller than most people today still as I tower over the sea of Muni patrons commuting to their mundane jobs….but you know what?! IDGAF NOW! Now my goal is to stop traffic from being a 7ft tall glamazon in the middle of the sidewalk… cause #yolo? 💁😝
Embrace your height whatever it may be (and if you’re not 5’11” like me then you can ignore my tall person pep talk) but always rock the shoes you wanna rock because when you do, you will command the room… Or command the whole street. 👊⚡️
STYLE TIP: Transition your summer dresses into fall, with some leather outwear and oxfords. Toss them on over a white/light colored or summery patterned dress and your look will instantly be appropriate for the transition to fall 👌🍂

Shop the look:
Wearing // Shoes: Makris Boutique (Greek label) Similar: here, here, here) / Dress: Unknown (similar: here, here) / Jacket: YES London (similar: here, here) / Sunglasses: Makris Boutique (similar: here, here) / Lipstick: MAC //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 539C / Pantone 635U (50%) / Pantone 3285C / Pantone 4515C / Pantone 7515C //