Just returned from a week on Maui with the fam and (besides looking glam on the beach😜) I have SO many trip highlights! To name a few… 🌴☀️🌊🐬
- From cracking a beer while behind the boat wake-surfing, to really “just” surfing…🚤🌊🍺🏄
- From 2 piña coladas a day, everyday, to 2 mai tais at night, every night…😆💫🍹
- From one private beach moment to one sunset kiss…🏖🌅
And of course, a lovely Hawaiian Thanksgiving dinner with the fam🍴🦃🍸 to then later being 86’d from a bar, 😳 I’d say Hawaii turned out to be a pretty damn good week, don’t you think? Made even better when wearing the perfect resort wear look! 💁👒👙
But really though… Finally being able to bust out that favorite swimsuit and cute coverup already stored away for winter is a V satisfying moment. Actually, putting on the BIGGEST straw hat and sunglasses one owns. 😍👒 But what really sealed the deal – this Kayu Straw beach bag – carried it everyyyywhere.🙌 The big size was excellent for all day activity. I carried change of clothes, my camera, towel, mags, sunscreen etc, lovedddd it!
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Wearing // Shoes: Sandro Paris (similar: here, here)/ Swimsuit: Onia (similar: here, here) / Romper: Missoni (similar: here, here) / Sunglasses: Amazon / Hat: Gigi Burris (similar) / / Bag: Kayu / Lipstick: Bite //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone Black 4C / Pantone 628C (70%) / Pantone 7711C / Pantone 7729C / Pantone 168C //