YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YAYYYYY YAYAYAYYAY AYAYYYYYYYYY. I’m off to Hawaii! Clearly like a kid in a candy store, I cannot hide my excitement one bit! Hawaii time is NOW. Even though this is somewhat of a family tradition, I think I am extra excited this year because of what a work whirlwind that life is currently! I neeeeeeeeeeeeed this vacation. 🌴🙏🌴
So how did I prep for the Big Island?! Besides eating a shitload of candy, 🍰 then a coconut Kara’s cupcake, then getting a mani/pedi today (which b-t-dubs, don’t ever space out and wear tights and boots to a pedicure appointment…awkwardddd tight removal😬) here’s my list of island essentials for a bomb ass time on the beach!
- First and foremost, personal Myers’s Rum bottles for floaters on those endless piña coladas! (this is ghetto but hotels charge like $10 extra bucks for that! hehehe so bring your own to whip out 😝🍹)
- Some way to document your gorgeous time in paradise! For me, it’s my vintage Nikon film camera 📷
- A great beach bag to shlep the mags and sunscreen around! Loveeee this cute and totally functional canvas backpack (psst! if you want your own use code: chasingKENDALL15)
- Chapstick….WITH SPF!!!!!
- And it wouldn’t be Hawaii without some kukui nuts 😉
- Bumble and Bumble surf spray to tame out those ocean drenched locks….orrr give you that look if your chillin on the beach the whole time 😜🏄
- A killer one piece swimsuit and large sun hat 👌
- A new book to read…nothing more relaxing than finally attending to that reading wishlist that you’re too busy for during the grind. I’m STOKED to dive into Garance Dore’s new book: Love x Style x Life.
- One word: linen.
- Last but not least the MOST important of them all – “My Little Steamer” – this will change your life, I promise. It is such a key item to own, everyday and every vacay. I alwaysssss bring with on vacations to steam out suitcase wrinkles in seconds!
So, there we have it! All the items setting me up for success on the Big Island. Now that I have been writing about Hawaii for the last half hour all I can think in my head is this: Aaaaahhhhloooha!!!!! (👈 so yeah… I thought it said that in 👇 song’s chorus so it’s all I can hear. Ha, jokes on me!)🍍
Stuff // Camera: Nikon (old) similar: here / Book: Love x Style x Life / Backpack: Bblackbox / Chapstick: Coola / Hair Surf Spray: Bumble and Bumble / Rum: Myers’s Rum (from Bevmo) / Steamer: My Little Steamer / Shorts: LemLem / Sunglasses: Illesteva (similar) / Swimsuit: Onia (similar) //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 5035C / Pantone 426C (90%) / Pantone 7731U / Pantone Cool Gray 1U (50%) / Pantone 7536C //
Resort Wear - ChasingKendall
December 3, 2015 at 9:22 pm[…] for that I give you one word: linen. Load it upppp. I’ve said it before and ill say it again linen is vacation. so all you gotta do is get yourself linen anything and BAM […]