I apologize for not getting this up yesterday, but let’s be real…can anyone bounce back that quickly after Outsidelands???💀 I would be thoroughly impressed since I personally was slumped over chugging fizzy water like mamas milk at my desk. So I’m sure most of you were too dead/hungover to read anyway so really I’m seeing this as a win-win here. 😏
Onto the mini wrap up of Outsidelands stuff…
Note to all: I only went Sunday and took the bare minimum in photos haha. Since I was only there for a few hours did I really want to spend my time clicking away on this camera or did I want to spend it rocking out with my friends?! Most def the latter. (😁… To be completely honest I wasn’t even intending to do a review 😁😁 but why not!?)
Caribou always puts on a great show, but low-key I wish I had stayed a bit longer at Sam Smith (eeeek don’t kill me gf – she wanted to stay). That voice though! Was it made from a gold harp in heaven!? lol. It could sooth me into wonderland for eternity.
Elton, of courseeeee, was a vision in his all blue rhinestoned suit (what a queeeeeeeen). It was very nostalgic to sing along to his songs, remembering the times in my parents’ back-seat growing up. Or watching Lion King for that matter haha. He played an extremely long set which is maybe why I didn’t recognize as many as I thought I would but regardless still a once in a lifetime show for sure.
In other news, I was very disappointed to find that come Sunday evening Beer Lands was running out of all the good beers! like whattttt, it’s not an endless flow of delicious craft beer coming straight form the ground?! UGH! Particularly Fieldwork’s Grapefruit Saison that I had stalked before the fest dying to try🙏🍺… settling for Deschutes Porter wasn’t a terrible second option I SUPPOSE 😉
All in all I forgot how much fun I have at these festivals it being the first year in 4 that I missed Coachella. Sitting and reflecting on Monday morning I actually wish I had gone all weekend now! …But then of course if I had gone all 3 days I would probably not have a muscle or brain cell in my body to sit or reflect lol. 😲
All in all, whether you have your rock-solid festival crew, a best friend or came alone, in that moment when your zoned into the performance, ear-drums hanging on for dear life, not much else matters. Just you and the music and time disappears. That’s a great feeling. That’s why I go to these festivals…. that and for my rock solid festival crew 😝💜
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 485C / Pantone Black 3C / Pantone 482C (70%) / Pantone 5793C / Pantone 436C //
August 12, 2015 at 1:30 amI love this post! Enjoy your experiences and enjoy blogging about them. So cool!
August 12, 2015 at 1:31 amWhat is that great jacket you are wearing?? How is it that your friend has a matching bandana??
August 12, 2015 at 1:46 amThank you!! Yes sometimes you just have to put the devices away and enjoy the moment 😀 I did lots of that on Sunday…
The jacket is thrifted! I can’t remember where from, I think Held Over in the Haight would be my guess. It was completely random that my friend had a bandana of the same print! We freaked out. Then I took a closer look at my jacket and realized it was totally handmade, someone must have found the bandana and sewed it onto a sweatshirt and then sewed fringe over it! So cool right?!
Glad you like
Beer Rec: Long Strange Tripel - ChasingKendall
August 14, 2015 at 8:11 pm[…] love, San Francisco, Haight St, warm, rustic, hippie, Outsidelands vibes….which is why I drank it Sunday right before heading to the […]
Kate Stimac
August 29, 2015 at 6:42 pmLol! Just seeing this and feeling very honored that my profile and fireball made it into the shot 😀
August 30, 2015 at 11:19 pmhaha, you know it girl! Summing up Outsidelands without it would be a crime! 😛 x
Belgian Tripel Beer Recommendation
September 16, 2015 at 12:16 am[…] love, San Francisco, Haight St, warm, rustic, hippie, Outsidelands vibes….which is why I drank it Sunday right before heading to the […]