Can you rock dem overalls?!
Overalls are so fun, are they not?! It’s like an instant transport back to running around the block ⛹ with your friends, playing imaginary games and basically being SO cute that you give the Stranger Things kids a run for their money. 😋🖖👾
For me, overalls can be tricky in the fit though. It’s about getting them jusssssst right – not too tight and not too loose (key word being “too” because the looser ones can be reallyyy fun sometimes 😜😜 haha). But they’re totally the perfect piece to invest in right now because easy wearing for summer and fall, soooo year round lol. Layer your overalls with a ringer tee or turtleneck sweater – bingo bango bongo. 🌟🆒🌟
Regardless, summer (camp) is NOT over just yet 🤓☀️ …. 7 days if anyone’s counting and I’ll be making the mostttt outta dem 7 😬
Shop my favorite overalls for now, fall, next year, last year, 1990s and your future self 😛 🤑:

Shop the look:
Wearing // Shoes: Zara (similar: here, here, here) / Overalls: Rag & Bone (similar: here, here) / Shirt: Urban Outfitters / Glasses: Urban Outfitters (similar: here, here) / Sweater: Thrifted //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 711U / Pantone 5455U/ Pantone 4695U / Pantone 7578U / Pantone 7524C //
Photography // Sofola Mai //