I have been looking for the perfect black bolero hat for at leastttttt 6 months and simply could not track one down! The cheaper ones from Forever 21, Urban, and Free People are always too big for my head and I could only DREAM of purchasing Saint Laurent’s version (whoa and this color) 🙏. But, I had my eye on this one from Worth and Worth and finally sacked up, saved up, and bought it. And… it is the perfect black bolero I have always wanted. 😁➡️😄
*Future apologies for the amount you will probably see this hat in my fall looks haha*
Things are really starting to fall into place I believe…like finally buying this hat… and randomly coming up on this vintage DKNY cardigan just earlier that day, a hand-me-down from Grandma’s closet (woo!), that went perfectly with the look. 👌👵😃 Not to mention, randomly bumping into mom at the Sky Ferreira show after this shoot (what?) or finally having an octopus that I liked! 🐙🍴 – so excited I just got to use the octopus emoji haha – All these things just coming together…. 👍
Speaking of…Maybe the Buddha is calling to me cause I had a totallll zen moment at the top of Corona Heights Peak last night after work. I mean WHAT a great mo, am I right?!?! Just me, the gorgeous city below, not a cloud in the sky and a persy beer to go with it? Killer! 🍺😋 I’m thinking I should do this more often.
In fact, I think everyone should do this more often. Take some time for yourself once and awhile! Unplug it all and just enjoy the view and how lucky we are to live in San Francisco. 🙌❤️
Wearing // Shoes: MTNG/SixtySeven / Shorts: Vintage Calvin Klein (similar: here, here, here, here) / Tank: Urban Outfitters (similar: here, here) / Vest: Thrifted (and cut) / Sweater: Vintage DKNY (similar: here, here, here) / Necklace: Urban Outfitters / Hat: Worth and Worth (similar: here, here) //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 7455C / Pantone 656C / Pantone 5435C / Pantone 7852C / Pantone 7523C //