What do you do when you chance upon that one-of-a-kind piece – in your Mom’s closet? Well, in the case of this skirt by Joseph, I change it up every which way I can think of! Of ALL the looks I played around with that day, (it’s called playing dress up for a reason right!?😜) these are my two favorites….Sophisticated city girl in the countryside brings out her inner 70s soul, and Wild West meets fiesta inspired Ralph Lauren – wow thats a mouthful haha! 👣☀️💃
Everyday that I get dressed is an opportunity for me to tell a new story, to dress how I’m feeling that day or become a different character…it’s one of the most magical things about clothing and style. Be inspired to create you’re own story today! But for now, which one is your favorite?? 😄🌿🌻

Wearing Look 1 // Shoes: Free People (similar: here, here,) / Skirt: Joseph / Sweater: J Crew / Leather Jacket: Karen Groner of Grownbeans NYC (label extinct) / Belt: Free People / Sunglasses: Afterlife Boutique (similar) / Necklace: Flea Market / Bag: Lucky (similar: here, here) //
Wearing Look 2 // Shoes: Urban Outfitters (similar: here, here) / Skirt: Joseph / Sweater: J Crew / Button Up: Paige Denim / Hat: Nasty Gal (similar: here, here) / Bag: Etsy / Necklace: Tanner’s Indian Arts / Sunglasses: ZeroUV //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 188C / Pantone 654C / Pantone 7494C / Pantone 7402C / Pantone 7568C //
Photography // Will Nielsen