What can I even say about the reigning disco king, DJ Harvey?! Literally I remember watching him up there on Friday and thinking, “he’s just soooooooo coooooooooooollllllll.” Good vibes and party-time is the name of his game. My friends and I have been following him for years. Whether its standing front row with a big DJ Harvey cut-out head bobbing up and down or dancing on his DJ table (yes thats me), wherever Harvey is, I am. And when I heard he was coming back to Public Works, well… you couldn’t get me to purchase tickets faster.
The “anything goes” vibe of Public Works (and Harvey) permit some of the best “pre-party outfit prep” times of my life. I mean we all know getting ready for the party is half the fun of going right? Or is more then half? Or is it the entire fun of it?!?! Lol. Nah probs half for me cause let’s be real, goin to the party is HELLA fun too. That night, I was feeling especially flamboyant and androgynous and fierce but also feminine…
Ok hold up, why is my “chillen outttt” playlist on right now!? This is not the vibe. Cut and switch to the “IMMACULATE” playlist… ahhh much better. We’ll talk about immaculate another time… to continue…
I really felt like wearing something fierce and flamboyant. Apparently when Harvey surfaces so does the inner gay man in me haha…Alert alert: bustin’ out the loud shirt and sparkle shoes hayyyy! Lol BUT you can DEFINITELY get away with it at Harvey, so why wouldn’t one take advantage??? I mean, the whole disco state of mind is an expression of freedom…through dance and dressing up (duh). This is exactly why my pink sequin converse came out of the attic after all these years.
Ironically after spending all this time trying to slick back my hair to feel more sassy and boyish, as soon as that funky beat dropped around 1:25am I was all “fuck the hair” and began shaking my head ferociously until the bangs had become a limp noodle dangling forward on my forehead (not a good look thats for sure haha). Moral of the story? Come dressed to party but screw the hair, its time to DANCE.
Wearing // Shoes: Converse (old) / Pants: Evil Twin (similar) / Belt: Elliot Rhodes / Shirt: Marc Jacobs (old) //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 495 C / Pantone 660 C / Pantone 290 C / Pantone 413 C / Pantone 446 C //