Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because I LOVE COSTUMES. I always have… Like when I wore princess gowns around town ages 4-7, or when I refused to take off my bride costume at my cousin’s birthday (as if she could be the princess for the day!👸😝), or when I repeatedly wore my leopard print, spandex bodysuit to 1st grade the entire month of October 🐯…everyday…I mean who’s to tell me Halloween is just ONE day?! Certainly my mom wasn’t gunna! And now, today, I have 4 plastic bins in my attic labeled “costume box” with a mixture of old dance performance costumes, random pieces from my college greek-life party days, past halloweens, and high school themed dances. YES, I have kept it all. 🙊
Point is: I love to dress up.
Maybe you’re like me or maybe you’re not… and thats why THIS 👆 “costume” is GREAT for Halloween parties. The easiest, but arguably the most fun, way to dress up on/near Halloween is to BUY A WIG. It’s the best costume strategy because in just one item you become an entirely different person character.
This is my favorite wig store in the city. High quality wigs, like for real though, super soft haha. I’ve gotten all my wigs there. Yes I said, ALL, as in several haha. Then let your outfit fall into place once that wig undoubtedly transforms your personality. Thrift stores are always a good place to find the rest of your costume parts however, I got my shirt from Discount Universe, a sequin/graphic MECCA of a company – so loud it looks like Miley’s instagram barfed all over their website. Hey, I ain’t complainin’ (in this case) – their shit is fun as fuck! Excuse my language. 😁
I wouldn’t say I am an identifiable character for this look per say, BUT I am following suit in the “best costume strategy” approach: Wig+crazy loud shirt+american apparel anything+(sequins) = ALWAYS festive & instanttt costume. BAM.💥 Perfect for a pre-halloween party where you want to dress up but maybe not waste your “real” outfit. OR maybeeee you just want to dress insane because what other day of the year is it “acceptable”?! (I’m guilty of the latter fshoooo).
So actually, I am going to be a raccoon for Halloween day (appropriate since I have had a raccoon infestation all year😒) but this is my outfit for tomorrow’s “pre-halloween-party-club-night.” Anyway, I wanted to post it before the long awaited festivities so that you guys had ample time to suck up the inspiration and go buy a fun/fierce/crazy/weird/whatever-your-pleasure wig for yourself!
Dressing up in a wig and “different than usual” attire is a perfect clubbing look for Halloween. Idk about you but personally I don’t wan’t to be dressed as a rodent or blood dripping zombie when I go listen to some cute ass DJ play the house jams in a steamy club. Twirling under the disco ball isn’t nearlyyy as fun when your in a gross old cat lady costume (cough cough me last year) as it is when your in a fun blonde bob and sequins hayyyyyy. Which is why I usually save the real deal for the real day and my fun party look for the Halloween themed parties beforehand. ✨✨
OH speaking of clubbing and dancing under the disco ball….THIS FLASK BRACELET is everything and more. Forget slamming it down your pants or taping to your thighs, wear your booze in plain sight!!! I mean the designer that invented this is clearly on my level. 👏👏👏
Now youuuu just need to get on my level 😜😜…Join the wig party! Happy Halloween! 🎃
Wearing // Shoes: Miista / Pants: American Apparel / Shirt: Discount Universe / Wig: Wig Factory / Bracelet: Cynthia Rowley / Lipstick: Lime Crime //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 433C / Pantone 310C / Pantone Cool Gray 8C / Pantone Cool Gray 11C / Pantone 7506C (75%) //