(Besides the fact that one pieces are v trendy right now…) with Memorial Day weekend coming up and summer just around the corner there are DEF some swimsuit days in my near future…and I’m sure there’s BOUND to be some in yours too.😉 In prep for all the upcoming “fun in the sun” trips, I’ve been on the prowl for some new swimsuits! (Tbh, I’m just in denial that spring in SF is actually this freeeezing, and all I dream of as I plow through the ice wind is baking my skin under the beating sun). 😁👙☀️
Minor digression: last summer, all of a sudden my trip was in a few days and then BANG 💥 panic monster awakens…. fawwwwkkk all my swimsuits are SO old!!! I have nothing fun or new for ANYTHING!😫😭😫 Ahhhhhh!!! #somuchdrama… so in a PANIC I frantically hunted and rush shipped…not the ideal way AT ALL to snag a cute one piece before vacay.😑
So in the spirit of not wasting extra money on shipping AND having time to find the exact right fit, I suggest we both get to buying! Shop all the suits above! 👍