I guess it’s about time I share some more facts about my so-called “real life.” Yes, I schlep to work on Muni. Yes, I sit at a desk. Yes, I have a 9 to 5 everyday… all day. Might be a good place to for me to insert how effing exhaustedddd I am right now….and always.😴 Eyes bleeding. Moving on…
By day, I am a graphic and web designer at a small design agency here in SF. As they (who’s they anyway?) say – It’s fun, but it’s still work!… Although, at least the job allows for creative exploration rather than punching numbers into a spreadsheet! 😁😝
Being the designer that I am, I LOVE GRIDS (probably what attracted me to these particular culottes in the first place). Things should fit nicely into said grids, by column or row and …wait, pause, I may have a problem…
I just got up to microwave my morning coffee and while waiting, I properly aligned all the wine glasses on the shelf so they fall into perfect rows and columns; and don’t get me started on the jars on the kitchen counter. I may have developed early on-set OCD at this point (early and onset being the imperitive words here😜) I’m sure my gf would agree when she catches me vertically aligning the toothpaste to toothbrush on the counter. IT’S A PROBLEM OKAY!!!!
…Did that actually just happen?!!? Unfortunately yes, 10000%
⬛️ ⬜️ ◼️ ◻️ ◾️ ◽️ 🔲 🔳
So now the million dollar question: does this same OCD grid mechanism infiltrate its way into fashion? Well I’m sure Mr. Marc Jacobs isn’t just whirling his pencil around mindlessly. There is always rhythm and purpose to the structure of fabric. So does a similar grid exist in fashion? (Acutally though, someone please tell me because I’m not a fashion designer and dying to know).
Though I wonder if this type of systematic styling occurs in my every day getting dressed? I don’t think I’m as ‘methodic’ about choosing an outfit for the day as I am when approaching a new design but one can’t help but wonder…and then stand in front of the closet second guessing every choice made… Hmm was that based on some 5’11’’ body grid of proportions or were these two pieces randomly selected on color/mood alone?
I’ve been self-reflecting on this topic for awhile and haven’t quite reached a conclusion…TBD… But what I can determine thus far is same goes for graphic design and styling – not only do you have to adapt the methodology but you have to know when to break the grid rules.
Cheers. 🐼
Wearing //Shoes: All Saints (similar: here, here, here) / Culottes: Oak + Fort (similar: here, here) / Shirt: Forever 21 / Sweater Vest: Vince Camuto (similar: here, here, here) / Sunglasses: Dior / Bracelet: Local Santa Fe Artist //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 7541C (50%) / Pantone 539C / Pantone 7545C / Pantone 424C / Pantone BlackC //