Given that Judgement day just happened and we all passed…. aka we got presents on christmas, I’d say were all in the “good” category. Errr well, what I mean to say is we’re all obviouslyyyy saints. Although St. Nick might not be too happy about me dolling out his title so soon after his hard work😁 (sorry 🎅). BUT it’s about to be the New Year and I’d like to go into it with a saintly halo over my head — wouldn’t you? And so, we march on into 2016….and I’m begging you to do it with a better choice of cocktail! 😜
Yes, champagne is ‘the drink’ on New Years, but why not step it up this year? If not to impress your party guests or friends, than at least to get more bang for your buck (meaning… drunk sooner with less calories consumed while avoiding a future champagne hangover – cause those are the worssssssttt!)
Modified from the Elder Fashion Royale I bring you, “The Saints Go Marching On” (and yes I’m not dumb, I know the song says “in”😛)
1 1/2oz St George Gin
3/4 oz St Germain
2 dashes of orange bitters
Garnish: grapefruit twist
Stir the gin, St. Germain and bitters over ice, then strain into a flute. Top with champagne and garnish with a grapefruit twist (if you measured right, you should have about 50% cocktail mixture and 50% champagne in your glass).
Don’t ring in the new year with a target on your back. Be kind. Be a good friend. Be happy. Be a saint!! And most importantly CELEBRATE life! 🎉🎉

Stuff // St. George Gin / St. Germain / Orange Bitters / Dry Champagne / Cocktail Shaker: Cocktail Kingdom / Cocktail Strainer: Cocktail Kingdom //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 650U/ Pantone 447C / Pantone 7535U / Pantone 7403C / Pantone 154C //