Amsterdam is one of my favorite cities in the world. Mainly because I can see myself living there, and honestly hope to one day. It’s the cutest, most peaceful, chill city…
The hotel scene in SF is changing and I want to shout from the rooftops: FINALLY! For so long San Francisco had a hotel void. It was either the dirty motels in…
Starting off with some brute honesty here… I liked Porto better than Lisbon (that being said, have you checked out my killer Lisbon City Guide)? Porto has the same charm and…
I got a bit distracted from the city guide publishing with my move to LA, sorry about that,
but we’re back in business with Lisbon and going to be rolling out…
Can you even believe that I had never been to Paris until this summer?! Like who am I?! Well it was a great way to spend my 29th birthday, that’s for…
Where to Stay So I actually can’t speak to the hotels in the area since we stayed in an Airbnb this time. But omg it might as well have been a 5…
Currently sitting here on the plane from Miami, with barely a brain cell left haha
Sure…yes…FINE, there was a lot of drinking but also just sooo much stimulation, I about…