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  • plaid1
    Day Style

    Savoring Winter

    How crazy is it that we’re almost halfway through January.😯 I actually got stressed this weekend that winter was ending soon, and thats not even true, so I’m clearly loosing it. But…

  • glam1
    Day Night Style Travel

    Poolside to Party

    Being able to transition quickly from day to night wear is just as important on vacation as it is at home after work, sometimes. Presumably you don’t have a strict schedule…

  • holiday1
    Day Night Style

    Tis a Rosy Christmas

    Pantones of the Post Each year everyone makes a pact with themselves they wont leave their christmas shopping for the last minute…but every year you do, (still have to do ALL…

  • bohoxmas1-3
    Day Night Style

    Boho Holiday

    Pantones of the Post It was just one of those weekends! The kind that you think will be so relaxing but then you end up constantly running around, always late to the…

  • kendall chase of chasing kendall in hawaii resort wear
    Day Style Travel

    Resort Wear

    Resort wear SCREAMS bold oversized prints, linen and big hats. Like, can’t you just hear every tropical hotel shouting “You better wear your biggest hat and breeziest linen or you can’t…

  • black1
    Day Night Style

    I’m on the Edge

    Pantones of the Post I’m on the edge!… of gothyyyy. 😜JK – But some of you might be thinking “woahhhh, wait… she’s in all black? what happened to her colorful vibes? I don’t get…

  • night4
    Day Night Style

    One Shirt, Two Ways

    Pantones of the Post This outfit I wore to the SF Mead Co tasting and then in a 5 minute drive by of home had to throw something on at the…