Hey guys! I wanted to bring some really cool adventure ideas and summer sales to your attention incase you need one last kick before summer ends! Orrr incase you’re like me and frantically scrambling for Labor Day plans (but everything is booked 😁 and you’re FREAKING out 😦😁)
Well, Never fear, some more options are here!! 👍
This new company Hipcamp has recently emerged as the new Airbnb of campsites pretty much – and it’s AWESOME. They are having a👆 “Summer Don’t Go” Deal 👆 lasting until 8/26. So if you haven’t booked anything for Labor Day – or even this weekend – I suggest you take advantage of this deal before then!!
And if camping isn’t exactly your shtick check out Hipcamp’s Glampsites (one pictured above). Anything that involves the word glam has me SOLD. So it’s settled then. Glamorous camping has arrived. 👑⛺️✨
Take your boo on a romantic quiet getaway, or take a pack of friends and get rowdy in the woods. Since when is camping not a good idea?! The answer is: NEVER.
Ok fine..FINE… a few more random ideas for ya incase you are stubborn as hell and can’t be convinced with the uber outdoorsy stuff:
- Speaking of outdoorsy, another new “airbnb-esque” service has arrived called Outdoorsy where you can rent vintage souped-up airstreams and RVs! I mean how effing cool is that?!?! (Burning Man anyone?)
- Airbnb’s “Labor Day Getaways” List! – It’s never too late!
- Airbnb’s “Adventure USA” List – Go, go, go, goooooo!!! Savor the summer! Hit the road!
You’ll notice all of these are encouraging you to get outside! That was no accident! Summer is almost ending and you should be spending it outdoors! (God I feel like my parents right about now… forcing us kids to go play outside – haha man things do come full circle) But seriously, you have the rest of the winter to stay indoors at some shi-shi hotel with a hot chocolate so do us all a favor and go on a REAL adventure! 🌅🌻
Now, I am off on an adventure of my own in LA this weekend, bout to hit the airport! Ta ta! 😄✈️😄
Colors (left to right) // Pantone Cool Gray 1 C (30%) / Pantone 5757C / Pantone 723C / Pantone 469C / Pantone 1665C //
*Top 2 photos © Hipcamp 2015