“Ohhh faack” she says as she takes that first sip of Havana at 11:08 PM on a Wednesday night…hm…. and by she I obviously mean me writing this post right now lol. I kid you not, I am sipping Havana on the rocks at the moment. Also ironically wearing a black wide brim hat (I promise I did not plan this lol) trying to decide which size to keep and testing one out HAHA. Cause that’s totally normal right? This is exhibit A of that indecisiveness I was talking about earlier….💁
Second sip goes down… “Well I guess we’re doing this!” I mumble out-loud and realize I am definitely talking to myself…still for some reason in third person???
So let’s state the obvious, yes this is a TBT post to France last month, but you don’t gotta be in France to wear a black one-piece to the beach! It’s sooo hot this summer! The suit, not the weather 😜. Literally I’ve been searching hi and low for the perfect black one-piece and finally found THE ONE at Onia. Their halter suit is the perfect ratio of sexy to conservative. Remember people, this is very important: sexy not slutty.
So now… 🙏 I DEMAND you go get a black one-piece of your own and be fierce allllllllll summer long.
OH WAIT there’s more to report on summer beachwear…
NEWS FLASH: I don’t care what kind of girl you are, you need to feel what it feels like to wear a big hat. Sporting this bitchin’ headwear is super empowering. Like Beyoncé status (andddd you’ll never get sunburned! hahaha😳 ). Can it please be summer ALL year long?! Cause I do not want to take it off one bit!!!
The romper I bought at the Nikki Beach store (yeah you can shop on premises – reeedic) but WHO knew you can actually find this designer at Needless Markup Neiman Marcus. I have always been obsessed with Missoni for their color/pattern choices so I instantly gravitated to this jumpsuit. But we all know how I LOVE my jumpsuits 😉
Will you accept my demand?! 😁 🌴 ☀️
Wearing // Jumpsuit: Karina Grimaldi (similars) / Swimsuit: Onia / / Hat: Bill Blass (similar: here) / Sunglasses: Dior //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 656 C / Pantone Black 3 C / Pantone 7528 C / Pantone 7504 C / Pantone 4665 C //