Has anyone else been applying hand lotion like a 14 year old boy who just got his first play boy mag. JESUS sorry my girlfriend actually just wrote that last line. NOTE TO SELF: DO NOT leave my gawd damn computer unattended. That rat. 🙈 🙉 🙊
But now that I have your attention.. (thanks Katie)… I want to briefly discuss the inevitable outcome of winter air, ski season, and for lack of a third outcome, well… dry skin.💨⛄️💨
Tb(completely)h I use these products all year long, but that doesn’t make them any less relevant for winter dryness. I have pretty balanced skin, nothing too oily or too dry, so when looking for an everyday face lotion I needed something equally versatile and mellow.
Philosophy’s skincare line is hands down my favorite out there. Their “Purity” face wash is a great way to start your day, or end your evening since it gently cleanses, tones and melts away all makeup in one simple step. ALL while lightly hydrating, seriously you can feel your skin getting smoother as you wash. 💦😌
Follow the face wash with some “Eye Hope” and “Hope in a Jar” for a perfectly moistened and baby soft face. Eye Hope reduces dark circles, puffiness, and even has some anti-aging properties in it – totally worth the ONE extra step after face moisturizing. And “Hope in a Jar” is just ev-er-y-thing….🙌
You know that one item on the menu that you’ve deemed your favorite and every time you eat, you want to try something else but as soon as you go to order, you default back to your go-to because it’s just THAT good and you can’t risk a bad outcome…Well, Hope in a Jar is that one item. Yes, I’ve been using this face moisturizer since high school and YES, it’s that good. It feels like a cloud when you put it on your face, its that light, but don’t let its lightness deceive you! It moisturizes the perfect amount for normal skin. And they even make an SPF version for those ski runs!
And whatttt better a time than winter to hole up with a greatttttt face mask!? (and of course, Netflix+chill). I know Glossier may not exactly be new news to most of you but if you haven’t yet tried their face mask, its about time. Get that “new you” going with a “new face” hahaha jk 😝 (obviously!) But feel totally clear, tightened and rejuvenated with their Mega Greens Galaxy mask on a night home alone. 😉
Lastly, Fresh’s line of chapsticks is another mega fav!! Probably not new news but their wide variety of color tints, plus SPF protection, plus extra smooth nourishing properties and make them unbeatable in the chapped lip department. Just enough tint to get you through the day but not so much that people are all like, “WTF girl!? You’re wearing lipstick to go skiing?!” So yah, basically I never ever want to be without this chapstick on hand.
You wont regret using any of these products and like I said, they are year round staples so don’t worry about not getting your money’s worth come summer, but it’s a MUST you moisten now. So, sooth up, treat yourself and your skin to the proper care in these dryer months! 😚

Stuff (left to right) // Glossier “Mega Greens Galaxy” Face Mask / Philosophy “Purity” Face Wash / Fresh “Sugar” Chapstick / Philosophy “Eye Hope” Eye Cream / Philosophy “Take a Deep Breath” SPF Face Lotion / Philosophy “Hope in a Jar” Face Lotion //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone 446C / Pantone 649U (50%) / Pantone 7464U / Pantone Warm Gray 1U / Pantone 410U //