Booze Discover Stuff

My Top Rosé Wines for Summer


It’s no secret, everyone LOVES rosé and if you don’t then you should probably stop reading right now. Slash we basically can’t be friends anymore – juuuuuuuust kidding (or am I? 😜) Really though, I don’t discriminate…people. BUT I do discriminate against certain wines, so I’ve selected the cream of the crop, the creme de la creme of rosé wine for you to be drinking ALL summer long! 🍷💃☀️

A couple tips if you don’t know what you’re doing in the rosé department:

  1. The lighter pink the better! 😉💖👌
  2. Look for anything from Côtes de Provance, its always a safe bet  👍
  3. Buy the wines 🔝, put them in a fancy glass👇, throw on a big hat 👒 and DRINK UP buttercup 🍷🍷🍷

Or you can forget the tips, trust me and buy these wines (from left to right) next time your in the rosé aisle:

  1. Château Loubé, Secret de Loubé ($31)
  2. Red Car, Rosé of Pinot Noir ($28)
  3. Miraval, Côtes de Provance Rosé ($24)
  4. Château d’Esclans, Whispering Angel ($22)
  5. Domaine de Triennes, Rosé ($15)
  6. County Line, Anderson Valley Rosé ($23)
  7. Moulin De Gassac, Guilhem Rosé ($10)
  8. Gassier Sables d’Azur, Rosé ($13)

✨ Favorite things to keep that rosé classy AF ✨

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