I work in an office of all girls and all we do is talk about needing the temperature to drop, just so we can wear our coats!!! 🙏 Enough Indian Summer, we want fall! And sure enough, about a week ago our prayers were answered.🙌💨🍂
So really, I couldn’t have picked a better time to reconnect with local outerwear designer, J’Amy Tarr. When we met up for coffee to talk about the collaboration I was pleasantly surprised (👈 kind of an understatement, tbh) by our similarities. Clubbing in the Castro when she was in her 20’s, attending drag shows, and truly immersing herself in the weird unique San Francisco culture, made me feel right home. I mean, we went to the same club for christ’s sake. It’s official. 😆🤣👯
I actually featured her as a “brand to know” a longggg time ago, but since then, my love for her coats has only gotten stronger! Not to mention my love for her. J’Amy is one badass clothing designer, business owner and mother. Ugh, what a role model! She literally has it all. 👏👏👏
Which actually quite resembles the feeling I get when wearing one of her beautiful designs. I have it all. Not sure if it’s the luxury fabric or the attention to the female form, but whenever I’m in one of her coats I feel ready to take on the world. 😎
Each coat is a style adventure in itself. Cuffing the sleeves, tying the belt in a different way, or folding a collar, all change the way the coat hangs on my body, and the overall vibe of the look. There’s definitely a level of sophistication and maturity in her outerwear, but also a laid back and flexible style to them. I guess that’s why I adore them so much. Because I feel like a grown-up, but I still feel comfortable and casual… like me. 🙂
You’ll be seeing her coats all over my Instagram account in the next several months so I wanted to give you a little BTS and first look at the whole collection. 😍
So out with the warm, and in with the warm….coats. 😉 Alright, off to work now!
PS: Get one of her super rad coats for free! Giveaway details will be posted on my Instagram this Friday!! Stay tuned.

Wearing // Coats: J’Amy Tarr //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone Cool Gray 1C (50%) / Pantone 4675C / Pantone 7771C / Pantone 7600C / Pantone 4975C //
Photography // Dawn Johnson / @dawnelizabethphoto //
JAmy Tarr
November 7, 2017 at 5:41 pmYou look phenomenal! I loved working with you!
November 8, 2017 at 7:07 amThanks J’Amy!! It was my pleasure 😄😍❤️ I️ need all those coats on rotation!! 😛