Germany wrapped up with a trip to Dallas! (two things I never thought would be in the same sentence haha…) But I found myself catapulted from a dim, gray world to a peppy pink one – channeling that “grungy one moment and a bit more champagne the next” vibe that I somehow keep getting pin-balled between. So what was the bubbly in this equation? The Create & Cultivate conference in Dallas, Texas! 💖🎀💖
Create & Cultivate is a creative conference and online platform for female entrepreneurs in the digital space. Whether you’ve just launched your own jewelry line, work in marketing/PR, or run a fashion blog, this conference is for any girl wannabe #GirlBoss. Participants came from all over the states with a wide variety of backgrounds but all with a common goal: growing your business, network, learn, make friends…and lets be honest, Instagram of course 😜 – but I will say that I did NOT take one photo of macaroons (barf), and they were EVERYWHERE haha. So yay me. 👏👏
Panel discussions, pop-up shops, mentor sessions, speakers, cocktails, food, plenty of photo ops, beauty bars and gift bags were on the menu for this jam packed day. I enjoyed listening to top bloggers, Natalie Off Duty and Trop Rouge, advise on not putting too many rules into place, just be whoever you are with no limitations and most importantly find your voice. If you’re a girl looking to start your own “thing” whatever it may be – Create & Cultivate is a great place to fuel up and get some business advice/inspiration (and girl power 👊).
One piece of advice, from Hillary Kerr of Who What Wear, that I want to reiterate is “say yes and figure it out.” I think this is so important and something that I strive to live by.. and think I’m pretty good at it considering my impromptu jaunt around the world last week. But it is so important to put yourself out there and seize opportunities when they arrive, you don’t know when they will come back around ya know? So when life throws you a curve ball, swing anyway! 🚀🌠
Oh! 2 crucial pieces of advice from yours truly that I learned at C&C:
- In a Q&A session – ask a question!!! I know it can be intimidating but it was the best thing I did all day. Not only did I get some long awaited answers but sometimes its not a bad thing to have all the attention on you- as scary as it may be – you never know who will take notice and I made a lot of friends because I put myself out there. 😉 Girls could relate to me and wanted to talk afterwards, expanding my network of possibilities and connections
- Matching the decor of your conference is never a bad idea aka stand out 😜😜. Ok this one was totally on accident, but it was a happy accident haha. Not just perfect for photo taking, but standing out from the sea of girls was a daunting thought at first but a reward later. I know I stand for standing out and being different but I would be dishonest if I said that its ALWAYS so easy and never intimidating to do so. This day reminded me to always just go for it. ✨
Now….enough girly, sparkle, be yourself stuff…no trip of mine would be complete without finding the BEST spot for local 🍺🍻🍺🍻 !! And boy did I find the mecca👇! Katy Trail Ice House has everything I want and moreeeeee – 50+ local beers on tap 😮, served in the COOLEST glasses (we know Im a sucker for that), a substantial patio, music, fire pits, and slow roasted Texas BBQ (cooke for 18 hours every night and they sell until gone! 👌 )
Like seriously why don’t we have this in SF?!?!😩😩 (ok fine, Zeitgeist (40+ tapped beers) is semi-close but Katy Trail’s (50+) is better 😁) I’m SO grateful I decided to check this place out before my flight, as exhausted as I was, it was the perfect way to wrap up the theme of the weekend: saying “yes” and putting yourself out there! As fearless as I was to go to this conference alone I kept the mentality going by sitting with a stranger sharing a beer, even ask the random delivery guy to snap a photo of me in front of the train (lol). 👍👍👍💃
From Germany to Dallas (and to somewhere hot and humid next weekend…hint hint) I feel like I’m chasing Kendall too! 😝 OH wait, I am Chasing Kendall……constantly. Help me keep up with myself! Thank god for the peaceful breakfast in bed moments that ground me back down and allow me piece of mind…even if just for a few minutes. 😉✨

Colors (left to right) // Pantone 7423C / Pantone Black 6C / Pantone 430C / Pantone 7530C / Pantone 411C //
Jacqueline Palmer
February 5, 2016 at 8:07 pmOMG those pink pants worked perfectly!!!!
February 5, 2016 at 8:13 pmhaha right!?! So glad you gave me that last boost of confidence to wear them 😉 much needed and MUCH grateful. And you were right “crowd pleaser” – slash it’s always better to stand out 😛