I think it’s fair to say that anyone from California has a good amount of “cali pride”….wouldn’t you agree? I mean, I certainly do. It’s a very special place, to say the least. So I’m gunna go ahead and toot your horn, California! 😜 🙌
People have their stereotypes of us…we all know this. The surfer🏄, the hipster 👓 , the techy 📱, the farmer 🍊, the adventurer 🚵, the superficial💅, etc etc. And actuallyyyy I would have to agree that a lot of people uphold these stereotypes quite well, while others assume multiple at once and others none at all. My point being – it’s an eclectic place we live in!! (Note the amount of applicable emojis below LOL👇)… Free to be who you are, whoever that may be, and for THAT I am sooooo happy/lucky/proud to be a Californian.
Though I suppose at this day in age, you could almost say the same thing about America as a whole lol. But can everyone go skiing and wake boarding in the same day?! Or be stuck in downtown city traffic but picnicking oceanside the next? Or go for a morning surf then head into the dry desert heat? NOPE! Wow, all this praise has “California Dreamin’” steaming thorough my temples right now haha. There is SO much love, I’m borderline absolutely OBSESSED with California, hah! 😁😁
Which is why when I saw this vintage sweatshirt at Eden & Eden, my eyes lit UPPP!!! 😍 A worn in sweatshirt?! YES. Cool map illustration?! YES PLEASE. WAIT hold up – a Californiaaaa map illustration?!?!?!? YASSSSSSSS HONEY. I was in love… instantly.
And yes you caught me, I changed sunglasses with the same look – this is VERY typical Kendall haha. Anyone that knows me, knows I’m obssessssssed with sunglasses (maybe even more so then CA?! 🙊). Literally, I cannot resist, it’s a problem. Maybe all that California sunshine got me like, more sunglasses please!! 😄 It’s an every day occasion for my (indecisive) self to carry around at least 2 pairs in my bad every day. Cause WHO knows, the light might change or maybe my mood changes or maybe I just really REALLY wanna wear both so I switch half way through the day. hahaha. I’m a mess. So clearly I needed 1 pair for water and one for land 😝 …I effing love sunglasses. ❤️😎
And I effing LOVEEE California….
(upfront apology for emoji over-use) 🌈💚👣☀️🌵🗻🍎🚴🍄🌲💁💛🍷⛺️🌾🐴🍑🎣⛅️🐮🍇🌻✌️🍋🐬⛵️🍊🍟🍔🌅🌼🌊🍺🚵🌸🏄🌴💙 🏂❄️🎿
Wearing // Shoes: Converse / Pants: Levi’s / Shirt: Everlane / Sweatshirt: Eden & Eden (vintage) / Blue Sunglasses: Le Specs (similar: here, here, here, here) / White Sunglasses: Vintage (similar: here, here, here) //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone Red 032 C / Pantone 425 C / Pantone 650 C / Pantone 325 C / Pantone 482 C //
- ChasingKendall
July 16, 2015 at 8:33 pm[…] keep and testing one out HAHA. Cause that’s totally normal right? This is exhibit A of that indecisiveness I was talking about […]