The Facts
Style: Sour Brown Ale / Flanders Oud Bruin
ABV: 7%
Brewer: New Belgium Brewing Company
Location: Fort Collins, CO
I’m in dire need of a hump-day beer, how about you??
- Because I’m bummed after crippling myself at Pride aka can’t show you guys any of my fav Pride looks because I was too busy in the ER and bandaged, ughhh. 😥
- Because it’s the start of July today aka the REAL start of summer so we need a refreshing cheers, duh
- Because it’s been a stressful day at work, a Wednesday, and all I can think about is the holiday weekend ahead! (Dear beer, get me there. Thanks 👍)
La Folie from New Belgium’s Lips of Faith Series is EPIC (also considered one of the best sours around!)- and the perfect way to start July because while it looks dark it’s actuallllly quite light and refreshing. It was aged in french oak barrels (formerly used in wine production) for 1 to 3 years before bottling as a ripe sour. I am a big fan, and I mean BIG fan of beers that have been aged in wine barrels. Even my girlfriend who doesn’t like beer, defaults to sour brown ales when given the choice – it’s the only beer she likes! A.K.A – TRY THIS BEER! haha. Unless of course you don’t like sours, then definitely don’t… cause its mouth puckering. 😲
TASTE TEST: I could smell the dark sour, reminiscent of cherries, right out of the bottle. Minimally carbonated, no foam on pour. Pouring at a deep mahogany color. This beer is a sharp sour, full of ripe plum-skin, green apple and cherry notes.🍏🍒 Like I said, it’s not a beer for non-sour drinkers as it’s probably a 8 or 9 on the sour scale BUT it does still have a smooth finish. 😋
So why is this a good beer for now? Perfect for a cloudy summer day (which we all know happens often here) cause refreshing but still dark in color giving you that comfort with clouds… makes you want to lounge around. Or is it playful? I kinda want to grab my baseball cap and frolic around after a glass of this.
SPEAKING of baseball caps…this will be the first installment of a beer & looks tag team duo! Because obviously you can match your beer to your outfit!!!😜 So the baseball cap is about to reveal the rest of the look by the end of the week, stay tuned party people!! CHEERS! 🍻 + 👕 👖 = 😎
Stuff // I got lucky with a 2013 year series from my corner store slash beer import genius, Healthy Spirits but you can also find La Folie here and here. / Cups: Crate & Barrel //
Colors (left to right) // Pantone Black 5 C / Pantone 711 C / Pantone 402 C / Pantone 420 C / Pantone 704 C //
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